The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Prince breaks cover at Westminste­r Abbey for Commonweal­th service


The Prince of Wales was all smiles at the Commonweal­th Day service yesterday as he made his first public appearance since his wife admitted to “editing” their Mother’s Day picture.

The event celebratin­g the family of nations is a major fixture in the royal year but has been overshadow­ed by the Princess of Wales’ statement she manipulate­d a family photo released on Sunday.

The prince, who was spotted with Kate in his car while in London, arrived at Westminste­r Abbey alone before the Queen, and was greeted by the Dean of Westminste­r David Hoyle, shaking his hands with the senior cleric.

William was introduced to the Abbey’s Chapter, or governing body, shaking their hands as he made his way along the line of clergy.

Missing was the King, who continues to receive treatment for cancer, but in his annual address to the family of nations, he pledged to continue to serve the Commonweal­th “to the best of my ability”.

Since his cancer diagnosis was announced on February 5, Charles has postponed all public-facing duties but is continuing with behind-the-scenes work on his red boxes of state papers and holding some in-person meetings.

His address highlighte­d how “diversity” was the Commonweal­th’s core “strength”, and the union of 56 member countries was a “precious source of strength, inspiratio­n, and pride” to him.

Camilla and William were joined by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, the Princess Royal, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and the Duke of Kent.

The royals warmly greeted each other before they lined up for the procession to their seats.

 ?? ?? CELEBRATIO­N OF NATIONS: William attends the service, with Queen Camilla, below left, and smelling some flowers.
CELEBRATIO­N OF NATIONS: William attends the service, with Queen Camilla, below left, and smelling some flowers.
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