The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

World leaders unite in pledge to fight fraud


The home secretary has hailed a pledge by world leaders to unite to fight fraud as a “massive step forward” in efforts to crack down on the crime.

The agreement was signed as representa­tives from government­s of the Five Eyes intelligen­ce partnershi­p – the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – as well as those from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and South Korea attended a summit in London.

James Cleverly, who hosted the event at Lancaster House, told broadcaste­rs the move was to make sure “internatio­nal crime has an internatio­nal response” as the countries promised to fight fraud together.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) and US law enforcemen­t bodies including the FBI and the Secret Service also vowed to target scam call centres.

Mr Cleverly said: “We’ve been clear that the global community needs to unite to fight fraud head-on and this communique is a massive step forward.”

Formally opening the summit, he warned fraud was “evolving” and fraudsters were “taking advantage” of modern technology – with much of the crime taking place online.

Although acknowledg­ing fraud was a “huge challenge”, Mr Cleverly told delegates: “We mustn’t be despondent, we mustn’t be fatalistic,” adding that “collective efforts” to grip the crime will make sure fraudsters do not succeed.

As he stressed the UK’s commitment to crack down on fraud, he said: “We won’t ever be complacent or take our eye off the ball.”

NCA director general Graeme Biggar told the summit fraud is one of his “biggest worries” among all the serious and organised crime threats he is responsibl­e for tackling in his role.

“That’s because of the scale of the threat and the mismatch between that and our response at the moment. It is not where we need to be,” he added.

Fraud represente­d 38% of recorded crime in the UK last year, affecting three million victims and costing them £2.5 billion, he said.

Interpol has warned fraud is often perpetrate­d by organised criminal groups, including human trafficker­s, who force people to work in scam centres which target potential victims across the world, while a forthcomin­g threat assessment is expected to show a concerning rise in fraud in all corners of the globe.

 ?? ?? SUMMIT: Home Secretary James Cleverly, centre, with delegates at Lancaster House.
SUMMIT: Home Secretary James Cleverly, centre, with delegates at Lancaster House.

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