The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Two men in court after disturbanc­e near school


Two men have appeared in court after a “distressin­g” disturbanc­e involving a knife near St Machar Academy in Aberdeen last week.

A huge police presence descended on the area last Friday after an alleged fight erupted outside the Premier store on the city’s Bedford Avenue around 10.45am.

Police Scotland, which later charged two men, described their arrests at the time as “in connection with assault”.

Yesterday, Luke James, 27, and 18-year-old Thomas O’Brien – both of Aberdeen – appeared in private at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

James faces three charges including carrying an offensive weapon in a public place, behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner and resisting, obstructin­g or hindering a police officer.

He made no plea, was committed for further examinatio­n and remanded in custody, and is expected to return to the dock within the next eight days.

O’Brien made no plea to a single charge of having a knife in a public place, was committed for further examinatio­n and released on bail to reappear on a date that is still to be confirmed.

The incident happened near St Machar Academy during the pupils’ morning break and a police spokespers­on immediatel­y sought to reassure the public.

“Around 10.45am on Friday March 8, officers received a report of a disturbanc­e on Bedford Avenue, Aberdeen,” they said.

“Officers attended and two men, aged 18 and 27, were arrested and charged in connection with the incident. This was an isolated incident and there was no risk to the community.”

While officers remained in the area to investigat­e the incident, alarmed students gathered in the school hall.

A parent of one of the pupils, who did not wish to be named, said the incident had been “traumatic”.

 ?? ?? PATROLS: Police on Powis Crescent at the rear of St Machar Academy on Friday. Pictures by Kami Thomson.
PATROLS: Police on Powis Crescent at the rear of St Machar Academy on Friday. Pictures by Kami Thomson.
 ?? ?? An alleged fight erupted outside the Premier store.
An alleged fight erupted outside the Premier store.

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