The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Pub ‘cannot pay licence fees in cash’


The Plough Inn in Macduff is at risk of being banned from selling alcohol – because Aberdeensh­ire Council won’t allow its owner to pay licence fees in cash.

Pub owner Marie Charles still has to pay the local authority annual fees totalling £220.

The regular payment was due in October but despite multiple attempts to get the money, it still hasn’t been paid.

Aberdeensh­ire Council made a special agreement enabling the business owner to pay her fee in instalment­s to make it easier.

But just one of these has been paid to date.

Ms Charles had tried paying with cash but was told the local authority doesn’t accept this type of payment any more.

In an email sent to the council, Ms Charles explained that the business bank account had been frozen – which has made it harder to pay the sum.

She added: “I’m not going to lie, things have been extremely tough at the Plough Inn recently.

“I will make it a priority to get this paid as soon as possible.”

A review of the premises licence was recently discussed by members of the Aberdeensh­ire Licensing Board.

Senior solicitor Fiona Stewart told the board they were able to suspend the licence until the bill was paid if they thought that was the best option.

A suspension would have allowed the pub to continue trading, but it wouldn’t be able to sell alcohol.

Dawn Black believed a formal letter would be the best step to take if the outstandin­g sum wasn’t paid by the end of March.

She said: “That would not affect their ability to trade as they currently are, which also gives them the ability to try and increase their trade to enable them to pay the fee.

“If someone is going to be able to pull themselves up and get that business turned around, you don’t want to cut them off.”

But councillor Richard Menard wanted to take immediate action and revoke the licence as he argued Ms Charles had plenty of chances to pay up.

He said: “They had quite a good Christmas to my knowledge, the measly sum that we are asking for could have been given.

“If we let this go then we are going to be opening up a can of worms down the line for other businesses.”

Board chairwoman Marion Ewenson noted the owner was in a “difficult situation” but suggested the matter be deferred until the board meets again next month.

Councillor Jeff Goodhall was also sympatheti­c and suggested that the pub owner could have been paying off other bills instead.

He added: “If we defer it we can then, if necessary, issue a warning letter.

“That gives her ample time to get this sorted out.”

 ?? ?? PAYMENT: Marie Charles said things were extremely tough.
PAYMENT: Marie Charles said things were extremely tough.

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