The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

RAF Lossiemout­h in mourning after death of colleague


RAF Lossiemout­h has issued a heartfelt tribute to a “highly valued” aircraft technician who was killed in a road crash last week.

Corporal David Thorne died after a collision between his motorcycle and a car on the A96 near Huntly last Tuesday.

The 43-year-old was on leave, enjoying “precious time” with his family, when he was involved in the crash on the Aberdeen to Inverness road.

In a statement released yesterday, Royal Air Force Lossiemout­h announced the passing of a “dear colleague”, who had served for 26 years as a “highly capable” aircraft technician and was serving on 1 (Fighter) Squadron.

He had been promoted to sergeant, which the RAF said reflected his profession­alism, leadership and ability.

The technician, originally from Cwmbran in Wales, was married with three children and two grandchild­ren.

The statement from RAF Lossiemout­h said: “While the RAF will deeply mourn his passing, the thoughts of everyone at RAF Lossiemout­h are firmly with his wife Michelle, his mother Sally, his father Graham, his children Aaron, Katy and Ash, and his grandchild­ren, Lauren and Miles.”

Cpl Thorne arrived at Lossiemout­h in 2007, where he first worked on the engineerin­g operations squadron and the aircraft component engineerin­g squadron before later joining 14 Squadron to work on Tornados.

After four years on armament engineerin­g flight, he went on to be an instructor at the centralise­d line training section where he passed on his experience to the next generation of Tornado and Typhoon technician­s. After a further five years with the Typhoon EJ200 early failure detection cell, he joined 1 (Fighter) Squadron in 2023.

Cpl Thorne served on five overseas operations, completing two tours on Operation Herrick in Afghanista­n, two in Cyprus on Operation Shader and one deployment to the Falklands.

In 2014 the keen motorcycli­st took part in an “RAF Way Round” challenge, visiting every air force station on a week-long, 3,000-mile journey to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund.

The RAF’s statement continued: “He was first and foremost a family man and this was demonstrat­ed when he turned down a previous promotion offer because it would have meant leaving Moray, a place he and his family loved, and hoped to stay.”

RAF Lossiemout­h’s station commander, Group Captain Jim Lee, said: “All of us at RAF Lossiemout­h are joined together in grief following the sad loss of one of our dear colleagues, Corporal Dave Thorne.”

 ?? ?? Corporal Thorne served with the RAF for 26 years
Corporal Thorne served with the RAF for 26 years
 ?? ?? Cpl David Thorne.
Cpl David Thorne.

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