The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)



One of Germany’s leading young actresses, Aylin Tezel, has set her debut feature film, Falling Into Place, on the Isle of Skye. Written and directed by Aylin, she also stars as Kira, a woman who was supposed to be on the Isle of Skye for a romantic getaway. Instead, she arrives solo after splitting with her boyfriend – but things change when she meets Ian, who is played by Chris Fulton. Falling Into Place has its UK premiere at Glasgow Film Festival on Monday.

First record bought?

Boyz II Men – I’ll Make Love To You.

Book that changed your life?

William Boyd’s Any Human Heart shaped my understand­ing of storytelli­ng in a big way.

Most expensive purchase?

Most of my money goes into food.

First job?

Selling strawberry cake at a tennis tournament.

Favourite time of day?

I love the mornings when you’re excited about how a day might turn out.

Last time you cried?

Last week when I saw Andrew Haigh’s All Of Us Strangers.

Worst fashion faux pas?

Can someone explain to me first what’s fashionabl­e...

Favourite holiday destinatio­n?

The Isle of Skye is one of them, so I was cheeky enough to set my first movie there.

Idea of holiday hell?

All-inclusive hotel.

Biggest fear?

Losing my phone and realising that I stopped memorising phone numbers in 2003.

What are you watching on TV?

The Curse. Emma Stone is one of my favourite actors anyway, but also Nathan Fielder is just hilariousl­y funny.

Favourite movie?

A film that touched me deeply is Close by Lukas Dhont. An all-time favourite is Notting Hill.

How do you relax?

Give me a beach and a good book and music in my ears.

Best advice you’ve been given?


Who you last spoke to on the phone?

My producer John McKay, who told me this interview is coming my way.

First thing you did this morning?

Drink coffee.

Worst mistake?

I believe that mistakes are always here to help us learn.

Your inspiratio­n?

Always music. Nature. Art. Films. Conversati­ons. Meditation. Movement.

Would most like to meet?

Robert De Niro.

Childhood crush?

A guy from German TV. I was four and asked my mum to write him a letter from me asking if he could wait for me to grow up so we could get married.

Weirdest fan gift?

I don’t want gifts, I only want them to watch my films.

Quirky habits?

Going to bed with three hot water bottles by my feet.

Worst meal?

Accidental chicken in the delivery when you’re a vegetarian.

What makes you laugh?

Scottish humour.

Most embarrassi­ng moment?

Life is too short to be embarrasse­d. Sean Connery or Daniel Craig? Daniel. Beauty is? The smile of a loved one.

 ?? ?? Andrew Scott as Adam in All Of Us Strangers.
Andrew Scott as Adam in All Of Us Strangers.
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