The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

The big weekend quiz

Do you know your AECC, AWPR and UTG? What about dolphin trails and lighthouse trails? Put your north-east knowledge to the test in this week’s quiz from KR Group


KR Group is more than just steel fabricatio­n and installati­on, cladding installati­on, and project management solutions. It is also well known for providing innovative solutions to challengin­g contracts – working with its customers and contractor­s to ensure excellence in all aspects of the job and providing niche elements involving R&D to deliver beyond expectatio­n. Based in Newburgh, Aberdeensh­ire, KR Group operates both locally and nationally with clients in a variety of sectors including commercial, agricultur­e, domestic, oil and gas, renewables, nuclear, education, food/drink, and the public sector. KR Group is comprised of sub-divisions KR Steel, KR Cladding and KR Solutions, which allows it to offer a full, turnkey, stress-free solution to any project, big or small.

1. What year did the AECC close?

A. 2018 B. 2019 C. 2020

2. When did P&J Live officially open?

A. 2019 B. 2020 C. 2021

3. What month and year did Union Square officially open its doors?

A. August 2008 B. October 2009 C. March 2010

4. Who formally opened The Sir Duncan Rice Library in 2012?

A. The Queen B. Prince William C. The Duke of Edinburgh

5. How much money was invested into the city’s Union Terrace Gardens in 2022?

A. £11.1 million B. £20.8 million C. £28.3 million

6. Officially opened in 2019, the AWPR main stretch is how many miles long?

A. 22 miles B. 30 miles C. 35 miles

7. When did constructi­on first begin for the creation of Cormack Park?

A. 2017 B. 2018 C. 2019

8. What year did Grampian TV become STV?

A. 2006 B. 2008 C. 2010

9. How much money was invested into the Aberdeen South Harbour project?

A. £420 million B. £320 million C. £380 million

10. When did the first cruise ship arrive at Aberdeen Harbour?

A. B. C.

11. What year was the Marischal Square build completed?

A. 2016 B. 2017 C. 2018

12. Within Marischal Square, there is a steel sculpture that is the central feature of the atrium within the developmen­t. What animal is the sculpture of?

A. Leopard B. Lion C. Tiger

13. What year was the multi-millionpou­nd refurbishm­ent of the Aberdeen Science Centre completed?

A. 2018 B. 2019 C. 2020

14. What road did the Aberdeen Science Centre move to in the final refurbishm­ent?

A. Links Road B. Justice Mill Lane C. Constituti­on Street

15. What year did Bon Accord Baths close?

A. 2000 B. 2008 C. 2012

16. What year did constructi­on of the Aberdeen Aquatics Centre (Aberdeen Sports Village Olympic Pool) begin?

A. 2011 B. 2012 C. 2016

17. When did the Aberdeen Aquatics Centre open to the public?

A. 2014 B. 2016 C. 2018

18. What year did Aberdeen Airport celebrate its 80th birthday? A. 2010 B. 2014 C. 2015

19. Who was the Lord Provost between 2012-17? A. Peter James Stephen B. James Crockett C. George Adam

20. What year was St Nicholas House dismantled?

A. 2010 B. 2011 C. 2014

21. What Aberdeensh­ire school did singer-songwriter Emeli Sande attend?

A. Westhill B. Alford C. Inverurie

22. When did Aberdeen Art Gallery reopen after undergoing refurbishm­ents?

A. 2015 B. 2017 C. 2019

23. When did the AWPR first receive approval from Scottish ministers?

A. 2008 B. 2009 C. 2010

24. What year did the Wild Dolphin Sculptures Trail take place?

A. 2014 B. 2016 C. 2020

25. When did the Aberdeen Christmas Village relocate to Broad Street from Union Terrace?

A. 2017 B. 2020 C. 2022

26. Codona’s celebrated which anniversar­y in 2020?

A. 30 years B. 20 years C. 50 years

27. What milestone did Spectra Festival of Light celebrate this year?

A. 5th anniversar­y B. 10th anniversar­y C. 20th anniversar­y

28. What year did Ikea come to Aberdeen?

A. 2008 B. 2016 C. 2019

29. What month last year did Greyhope Bay Centre open its doors?

A. August B. March C. April

30. How many lighthouse­s were there throughout the city as part of Clan’s Light The North lighthouse trail back in 2021?

A. 36 B. 42 C. 50

 ?? ?? INNOVATIVE: KR Group delivers steel fabricatio­n and installati­on among its numerous services to customers.
INNOVATIVE: KR Group delivers steel fabricatio­n and installati­on among its numerous services to customers.
 ?? ?? Brought to you by
Brought to you by
 ?? ?? Some of the dazzling installati­ons at Spectra Festival of Light in Union Terrace Gardens. Picture by Kenny Elrick.
Some of the dazzling installati­ons at Spectra Festival of Light in Union Terrace Gardens. Picture by Kenny Elrick.
 ?? ?? Singer-songwriter Emeli Sande.
Singer-songwriter Emeli Sande.
 ?? ?? Marischal Square.
Marischal Square.
 ?? ?? KR Group supports north-east primary schools football.
KR Group supports north-east primary schools football.
 ?? ?? The Aberdeen South Harbour developmen­t.
The Aberdeen South Harbour developmen­t.
 ?? ?? The Sir Duncan Rice Gallery opened in 2012.
The Sir Duncan Rice Gallery opened in 2012.

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