The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Unruly youths are targeted by police


Young vandals who are causing destructio­n in Ellon’s town square will be targeted by police. The owners of pizza parlour The Gaff said they had spent yet another weekend clearing up Neil Ross Square after a group of “20 to 25” teenagers went on a rampage.

They said the ongoing trouble had taken a “nastier” turn this time with a vehicle broken into, a tree pulled from the ground, bins knocked over and empty vodka bottles left lying around.

The business said in a statement on social media: “Here we are again Ellon.

“Another weekend and another morning cleaning up after your kids.

“Genuinely a weekly job and one that I am honestly too tired to be doing.

“Most people can live with the superficia­l stuff, litter left lying, Aldi shopping trolleys left (other supermarke­ts are available), the odd bin knocked over.

“Last night took a nastier turn, trees ruined, business car windows smashed.”

They said that not only does this affect the local area, the clear-up also delays their start time as they have to spend hours cleaning up the mess.

They said: “There is no excuse for the extreme lack of respect.

“These kids last night were 13 to 15 at most and approximat­ely 20-25 of them.”

The business also revealed how people have told them they are “too scared to walk through Neil Ross Square at night”.

Describing that as “hard to hear”, they are encouragin­g parents to have a word with their children.

They added: “With the police admitting that there is nothing that they can do, this is only going to lead the way to community policing, otherwise known as vigilante justice.”

A police spokeswoma­n insisted they are taking steps to clamp down on unruly behaviour.

She said: “We are aware of recent anti-social behaviour in the area of Ellon town centre, and the impact this can have on the community.

“We are continuing to carry out patrols in the area and work closely with partners to address these issues.”

Local councillor Isobel Davidson shared her upset over the recent vandalism spree.

She said: “It is very sad that people don’t feel safe to walk in town at night.

“There shouldn’t be vandalism but it’s hard to manage it at Neil Ross Square as it is privately owned.”

 ?? ?? A car window was broken.
A car window was broken.
 ?? ?? An upturned litter bin.
An upturned litter bin.

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