The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Man sexually assaulted female police officer by kissing her on the hand


An Aberdeen man has been placed on the register after sexually assaulting a female police officer by kissing her hand.

Edgar Teniuch was “extremely drunk” when he took a shine to a officer, who was throwing him out of McDonald’s on Union Street.

But the 37-year-old repeatedly tried to kiss her on the lips and did kiss her on the hand.

Fiscal depute Sean Ambrose told Aberdeen Sheriff Court: “At 1.15pm on February 24 2022, police were tasked by CCTV operators to attend McDonald’s due to a report of an intoxicate­d male within.”

Officers attended and “assisted him out of the restaurant”.

Checks then revealed an outstandin­g warrant and Teniuch was arrested.

Teniuch turned to a female officer, “pouted his lips and leaned towards her face in an attempt to kiss her lips”.

The officer managed to pull away, preventing any contact, and warned him about his “inappropri­ate and unwelcome behaviour”.

However, Teniuch did not desist and “continued making advances towards the police constable”.

Mr Ambrose said: “He again proceeded to lean towards the officer and kiss her left hand without her consent.

“She did not manage to pull her hand away.”

Later, in the police station, Teniuch again tried to kiss the woman but was stopped by another officer.

In reply to being cautioned and charged, Teniuch said: “There’s no evidence I told you I liked you.”

Teniuch, of Beattie Place, Aberdeen, pled guilty to a charge of sexual assault.

He also admitted a separate charge of stealing a £500 laptop from O’Neill’s Bar on Back Wynd on July 25.

Defence agent Kevin Longino said Teniuch had sold the stolen laptop for a fraction of its value to buy more alcohol.

Regarding the sexual assault, he said Teniuch was “extremely drunk”.

Sheriff Lesley Johnston told Teniuch: “The underlying cause of your behaviour is your severe alcohol addiction.

“That must addressed.”

She ordered him to be supervised for two years and made him subject to the Sexual Offences Act for the same period.

 ?? ?? Edgar Teniuch was ‘extremely drunk’.
Edgar Teniuch was ‘extremely drunk’.

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