The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Council refuses to sell land for holiday park


Abusinessm­an’s plans to spend £20 million on an Aberdeen beach holiday park have hit the rocks – but he refuses to give up on his dream.

Entreprene­ur Hamish McDonald had optimistic­ally earmarked a plot of land at the city’s Esplanade for the major developmen­t.

New images show his vision for about 150 lodges close to the seafront, a plan he said could inject millions into the local economy every year.

The Press and Journal exclusivel­y revealed the proposal, which would be the first of its kind in Aberdeen, on Monday night.

Yesterday, Mr McDonald faced the council’s finance committee as he pleaded for the local authority to consider selling the public land required.

He revealed that he first approached officials about the “ideal” location in the summer of 2021, at a time when the staycation market was booming.

Mr McDonald said: “What I am proposing is something that the Aberdeen coastline doesn’t have.

“When you look at Aberdeensh­ire, there are numerous high quality coastline holiday parks.”

The 56-year-old continued: “Since Covid, there has been a move to UK holidays and Aberdeen does not cater to this with holiday lodge accommodat­ion.

“This location has great access to the surroundin­g facilities, such as golf courses and the beach.

“Our plans could bring £4.25m of off-site tourism spend.”

The developer went on to reel off a list of seaside spots with their own caravan parks – including Montrose, Stonehaven, Lossiemout­h and Peterhead.

Mr McDonald also described his profession­al background, involving “various other lodge parks”.

Facing councillor­s, he listed his role in the luxury Stewarts Resort at St Andrews, which capitalise­s on the area’s golfing tourism.

“St Andrews regularly supports golf events with quality accommodat­ion for sponsors and visitors, the same could be true for Aberdeen,” he offered.

“I have the experience to make this happen.”

As talks progressed since 2021, Mr McDonald sought reassuranc­e that the lodge park could go ahead at the suggested location.

Having been given no indication the site might be a non-starter, he commission­ed economic studies outlining the benefits.

He was later told that the finance committee would need to pave the way for it to progress any further.

Under planning guidelines, the land is reserved primarily for community facilities such as a mosque.

But the developer had been hopeful that “positive solutions” could be found to any issues.

The committee voted against entering into talks over the land. They agreed it was “not considered suitable for this use”.

However, top brass have been asked to “consider” whether there could be scope for the Aberdeen beach holiday park elsewhere along the coastline.

It comes as the local authority drives forward its own masterplan for the seafront, and it was suggested the holiday park could form part of that.

After the meeting, Mr McDonald admitted he was “deeply disappoint­ed”.

He added: “I have spent considerab­le time and effort on the project, which I truly believe would have brought great benefits to Aberdeen.

“Aberdeen is lagging behind. There are dozens of other coastal locations, and this was a chance for Aberdeen to put itself back on the map as a tourist destinatio­n.”

He continued: “I understand Aberdeen City Council are open to looking into an alternativ­e location.

“I hope this is the case and the project is given their prompt attention, and look forward to engaging in further discussion­s.”

And the proud Aberdonian insists he is determined to bring his Aberdeen beach holiday park plans to life.

He said: “I want to provide something here for the benefit of Aberdeen and I believe the coastal location will certainly be a fantastic opportunit­y.

“By no means, I’m putting this to bed.

“We have a beautiful beach lying there unexposed, and I have a vision for it.

“I’m passionate about my home city, and I believe there are opportunit­ies here.”

 ?? ?? VISION: An image of how a holiday park at Aberdeen’s Esplanade could look if it got the go-ahead, which at the moment, looks unlikely.
VISION: An image of how a holiday park at Aberdeen’s Esplanade could look if it got the go-ahead, which at the moment, looks unlikely.
 ?? ?? A design showing how the holiday park would look.
A design showing how the holiday park would look.
 ?? ?? The land near Bridge of Don.
The land near Bridge of Don.

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