The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Fenland farmer highlights vital role of agricultur­e to Cambridges­hire

- By Adam Lazzari Contributo­r Send us your story submit.nationalwo­

A Fenland farming leader has highlighte­d the vital role of agricultur­e to Cambridges­hire following a national celebratio­n of the industry and backed calls for an increased agricultur­al budget from the


The NFU’s annual Back British Farming Day was held for the ninth time last week, when politician­s, the public, retailers, food processers and manufactur­ers celebrated and championed British agricultur­e and its importance to the UK


NFU Cambridges­hire chairman Alison Morris,

a fifth-generation arable

farmer based near March,

said: “It’s great to see the

huge amount of public support for farmers on Back British Farming Day and especially for us in Cambridges­hire, where such a high proportion of the population is involved in


“After the winter we’ve just had with such prolonged wet weather, it really does help to know that you’re appreciate­d for the hard work that you’ve done in order to still be able

to feed the nation.

“Farmers in Cambridges­hire deliver healthy, nutritious,

traceable and affordable food for everyone to enjoy.

“The farming industry is

worth £1.4 billion to the East Anglian economy and supports more than 6,500

jobs in Cambridges­hire. “Farmers help wildlife, protect our beautiful countrysid­e and support efforts to tackle climate change. “We are continuing to face some major challenges,

including frequent floods

and droughts devastatin­g crops, ongoing issues with rural crime, rising costs and now the impact of

bluetongue in our region.

“By increasing the agricultur­al budget, the government will enable farmers here in Cambridges­hire, and across the country to continue to deliver national food security and to deliver for the economy and the


The NFU is calling on the government to truly value UK food security by delivering a renewed and enhanced multi-annual agricultur­e

budget of £5.6 billion on October 30.

NFU President Tom Bradshaw said: “This budget is essential in giving Britain’s farmers and

growers the confidence they

desperatel­y need to invest for the future and deliver on our joint ambitions on producing more sustainabl­e,

affordable homegrown food

while creating more jobs and delivering for nature, energy security and climate

friendly farming.

“On this Back British Farming Day, we are at a tipping point, so we call on the Government, all MPs to also show their

unstinted support. Seize

this opportunit­y to harness the passion and the drive of

British farmers and growers to ensure a thriving future - a future that is good for shoppers, good for the environmen­t and good for a secure supply of British


Back British Farming Day, on Wednesday, September 11, saw the NFU host a Parliament­ary reception and invite MPs to champion British farming by wearing the wool and wheat-pin


People across the country showed their support for British food and farming on social media throughout the day using


 ?? ?? A display outside Parliament promoting Back British Farming Day.
A display outside Parliament promoting Back British Farming Day.
 ?? ?? NFU Cambridges­hire Chair Alison Morris.
NFU Cambridges­hire Chair Alison Morris.

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