The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

New hopes for Flagship warehouse developmen­t

- By Paul Grinnell paul.grinnell@nationalwo­

Developers behind plans for a 350,000 square feet warehouse that is expected to provide a jobs boost for Peterborou­gh hope to seek planning approval in weeks.

Trebor Developmen­ts say it intends to submit a planning applicatio­n in October fortheware­housecalle­dFlagship Park North off Oxney Road and adjacent to the 127 acre Flagship Park, at Edgerley Drain Road, Fengate.

The company has previously said it hoped an applicatio­n would be submitted to Peterborou­gh City Council by the end of the summer.

The proposed warehouse is expected to feature 301 car parking spaces plus 38 dock level doors as well as four surface level doors. The number of jobs to be created will depend on the company that eventually occupies the warehouse but is expected to be 100 plus.

A spokespers­on for Trebor stated: “The unit has been designed with sustainabi­lity at its core, achieving BREEAM “Excellent” certificat­ion and providing a best-in-class asset within Peterborou­gh and the surroundin­g area.

“Flagship North is Peterborou­gh’s next major industrial and logistics facility.

“Theschemei­spartofFla­gship Park, which is the largest remaining commercial developmen­t site in Peterborou­gh andthesurr­oundingare­a.Our mission is to deliver the East of England’s most prestigiou­s commercial park.”

The developmen­t was given the go ahead by the council earlier this year and will offer 11 warehouses with the largest unit providing 367,565 square feet of warehousin­g, a three storey office block plus parking for 134 heavy goods vehicles and a 133 space car park.

 ?? ?? This image shows the proposed Flagship North warehouse at Peterborou­gh
This image shows the proposed Flagship North warehouse at Peterborou­gh

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