The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

New eco-friendly data centre opened

- By Paul Grinnell paul.grinnell@nationalwo­ @PTPaulGrin­nelll www.peterborou­

A new eco-friendly operated data centre in Peterborou­gh has been opened.

The DSM Group has completed a significan­t investment in its facilities at The Old Hangar, Elton Road, Wansford, to create a stateof-the-art, eco-friendly data centre.

Chief executive, Mike Richardson, said: “We are thrilled to unveil our new data centre, which is a huge step forward in sustainabl­e technology.”

Scores of business people attended the official opening at the former Second World War air hangar, which offered guests a chance to view the new look premises as well as enjoy a range of displays and entertainm­ents.

The centre, which provides disaster recovery facilities for businesses, has created a large, solar farm and an on-site lake, filled with rain water from the hangar roof, to ensure the centre can be kept water cooled while the facilities are solar powered.

The centre was official declared open by the mayor of Peterborou­gh, councillor Marco Cereste and the mayoress of Peterborou­gh Maddalena Cereste and the North West Cambridges­hire MP, Sam Carling.

Afterwards, a spokespers­on for the company said: “The event went exceptiona­lly well, with nearly 100 attendees throughout the evening, including industry profession­als, IT managers, ESG experts, and local community members.

“We conducted facility tours, which were very well received.

“The initial phase of the new facilities has involved a £1 million investment.

“Phases two and three, set to be completed by 2027, will bring the total number of racks to over 200, all while maintainin­g net-zero.”

She added: “More and more companies are reliant on data centres as the backbone of their operations. With environmen­tal, social, and governance high on the agenda, the traditiona­lly energy-intensive industry must evolve.

“And Mike Richardson had the vision to create a facility that achieves this without the need for additional coolant or power generation.”

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 ?? ?? From left, Mike Richardson, Sam Carling MP, mayoress of Peterborou­gh Maddalena Cereste, mayor of Peterborou­gh, councillor Marco Cereste, and Carmelina Santoro from DSM
From left, Mike Richardson, Sam Carling MP, mayoress of Peterborou­gh Maddalena Cereste, mayor of Peterborou­gh, councillor Marco Cereste, and Carmelina Santoro from DSM

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