The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Long-serving pilot set to leave EAAA

- Darren Calpin darren.calpin@nationalwo­ @peterborou­ghtel

East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) has announced that their longest serving pilot is to stand down.

Captain Steve Norris has been flying Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) missions for the charity for 18 years.

The helicopter hero – who is also the second-longest serving HEMS pilot in the UK – was feeling reflective about stepping down from his role.

“I will miss working on HEMS missions and will look back on my 18 years with East

Anglian Air Ambulance and Babcock fondly,” he said.

Steve first joined the charity in 2006 following a successful career in the military. Since then, he has flown approximat­ely 3,800 missions, notched-up 3,042 HEMS flying hours, and completed more than 12,000 landings.

The ice-cool pilot remarked that he will take many fond memories with him:

“Certain tasks and patients really standout in my memory,” he said. “Many people treated by EAAA have visited our base with their loved ones to meet the crew after their incident.

“These moments are incredibly special.”

Steve has never lost sight of the fact that it is public support which enables EAAA to take advanced skills, equipment and medicine directly to the scene of medical emergencie­s and help give patients the best chance of survival.

“EAAA HEMS missions are very special as they are made possible by public support,” he said.

Matthew Jones, CEO of EAAA said the charity is “very grateful” for the years of service Steve has given and that he would be “greatly missed.”

“Captain Steve is an exemplary HEMS pilot and somebody who has given so much to EAAA over a remarkable 18 years of service,” he said.

“He is an expert in his field, a cherished and respected aviator amongst his colleagues, and somebody who always puts the needs of the community first.”

Chloe Barker, managing director for Babcock’s UK aviation business, described captain Steve’s role supporting the EAAA for nearly 20 years as a “remarkable achievemen­t.”

“He has helped save thousands of lives and should be immensely proud of the contributi­on he has made to the East Anglian region.”

For more informatio­n about the EAAA and to make a donation, visit its website at

 ?? ?? Captain Steve Norris is stepping down after 18 years of service at East Anglian Air Ambulance
Captain Steve Norris is stepping down after 18 years of service at East Anglian Air Ambulance

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