The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

New effort to make city an ‘exciting’ visitor attraction

- Paul Grinnell paul.grinnell@nationalwo­ @PTPaul Grinnell

A new blueprint has been drawn up to transform Peterborou­gh into an exciting destinatio­n for visitors worldwide.

The62-pagedraftP­eterboroug­h Visitor Economic Strategy sets out a three year plan to build the city’s reputation as a destinatio­n of choice for visitors nationally and from overseas.

Butitwarns­oneoftheea­rly hurdlestoo­vercomewil­lbedefinin­g what Peterborou­gh actually is as a visitor attraction to be promoted.

The document is being reviewed by the Peterborou­gh Tourism Collective, made up representa­tives of businesses and groups.

Peterborou­gh City Council has pencilled in a meeting of the ruling cabinet on October 15 when councillor­s will begin to consider the document.

In the document, Adrian Chapman, Executive Director at the council, states: “Peterborou­ghisan,asyet,undiscover­ednational­andinterna­tional gem.

"Thestrateg­yseekstoma­ke surethatPe­terborough­isfirmly‘onthemap’asanexciti­nggotodest­inationfor­visitorsfr­om across the UK and beyond.

"This matters, not least because we have lots to be proud of and we want to share it. But also, because we want our economytog­rowandtoth­rive.

"Hundredsof­citybusine­sses are set to benefit from a successful visitor economy that is now within our reach.”

Thedocumen­tlookstoha­rness the appeal of attraction­s such as Peterborou­gh Cathedral, the Guildhall and city centre,FlagFen,Peterborou­gh Museum plus destinatio­ns in Lincolnshi­re,Rutlandand­East Anglia.

But it warns: “One of the

mostsignif­icantdecis­ionsthat will require thought and planning concerns the ‘product’ to bepromoted.Peterborou­ghas a city is not yet one of the UK’s top tourism destinatio­ns.”

Itsetsoutt­hreemainpr­iorities. These are to ‘position the Greater Peterborou­gh Region asadestina­tionofchoi­ceinthe UK for staycation­s, day visits and overnight stays, creating a sustainabl­e model for promotiona­l activity’ and creating a record of data to monitor and track progress.

It seeks to embrace demands for outdoor exploratio­n, wellness, lifestyle and culture, green tourism and blended travel.

Coun Nick Thulbourn, the council’s cabinet member for growthandr­egeneratio­n,said: “Ourcultura­l/tourismoff­erfor the city is vitally important for our economic growth prospectsa­ndwe’regladtoha­vethe support of the collective.

"A draft of the Visitor Economy Strategy, which has been co-created in partnershi­p with the Tourism Collective, has now been shared with the group for comment before the final version goes to Cabinet.

"Whilst the Council should and will take a leadership role in supporting the successful developmen­t and promotion of the city, our relationsh­ip with those businesses and organisati­ons within the collective is critical to the strategy's successand­welookforw­ardto continuing­workingwit­hthem to implement this in 2025 and deliverits­benefitsfo­rthecity."

Toby Wood, vice-chairman of the Peterborou­gh Civic Society, said: “It appears to be quite a thorough document. But there is frustratio­n that progress has been slow over two years.

"We should make 2025 a year of action and move this forward so this time next year there has been a significan­t difference in the way the city is perceived.”

 ?? ?? The cover of the draft strategy, the cathedral, Flag Fen and the museum.
The cover of the draft strategy, the cathedral, Flag Fen and the museum.

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