The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Baker and brilliant brothers win gold

- By Alan Swann alan.swann@nationalwo­ @PTAlanSwan­n

Peterborou­gh Police Club fighter Reggie Baker beat opponents from Norway and London to win gold at a prestigiou­s Box Cup event in Devon.

It was the second year in a row that the 15 year-old Stanground Academy student has emerged victorious from a tough competitio­n in Ilfracombe.

Baker didn’t have it easy though, on paper at least, as his semi-final opponent was Norwegian Champion Yousef Kanaan from Tonsberg BC.

But the local lad kept out of range of the swinging bombs from his opponent who just couldn’t cope with some skilful and slick counter punching.

Baker took that bout by a comfortabl­e points margin and then faced Londoner George Delnevo from Rainham ABC in the 54kg final.

This was a great toe-to-toe battle, but Baker had the bigger weapons and so dominated most of the fight.

The referee had to step in to deliver a standing eight count in the first round as Baker landed several smashing shots and then it was just a case of survival for Delnevo who was heavily beaten on points.

The three other Police boxers in Devon also returned home with medals.

Kian Aragosa (14) picked up a silver medal at 50kg,

while Kyryl Malyk (13) and Martin Rocky Owen (11) won bronze at 44.5kg and 36kg respective­ly.

Aragosa beat Hayden Gardner from Finchley Club in London comfortabl­y on points in his quarter-final before also dominating his semi-final against Llya Kyrych from Islington BC.

Aragosa also boxed well in his final, but went down narrowly on points to Leon Chandler of Bulkington ABC.

Owen lost his semi-final to one of the top young fighters in the country, Simon

Ward from Trowbridge ABC, after a terrific tussle which ended very close on points.

Malyk faced Cole Morgan from Wirral BC at 44.5kg for the second successive year and he was again beaten in a semi-final.

Morgan won on a split decision, but Malyk’s powerful and quality work on the inside still impressed and he rightly left the ring with his head held high.


Many Police Club boxers are preparing for a week-long internatio­nal tournament in Oxnard LA, USA at the end of the month.

If any businesses wish to support the trip and get their logo seen internatio­nally they can email to Peterborou­ghpolicebo­xing@hotmail.


Brother Jacob and Zayne Hussain, students at Jack Hunt School, both won gold at the Devon Box Cup.

Jacob lived up his ‘Silent Assassin’ nick-name by forcing a second round stoppage in his final against previously unbeaten two-time national champion Joe Ward from Athlone BC from Ireland.

Jacob forced Ward into standing eight counts in both rounds. He had won his semifinal easily on points.

Younger brother Zayne went straight into a final and dominated all three rounds against a fighter from Kent with his fast jab and footwork to win a unanimous points verdict.

The brothers fight out of the Pound 4 Pound Boxing Academy in Walsall.

 ?? ?? From the left, Kian Aragosa,Martin Rocky Owen, Kyryl Malyk and Reggie Baker
From the left, Kian Aragosa,Martin Rocky Owen, Kyryl Malyk and Reggie Baker
 ?? ?? Zayne Hussain and Jacob Hussain
Zayne Hussain and Jacob Hussain
 ?? ?? Reggie Baker in action in Devon.
Reggie Baker in action in Devon.

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