The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Peterborou­gh pre-schools mark end of summer with special event

- By Cathy Midgley

Charity Family Action celebrated the end of summer with a big barbecue for parents and children from Family Action’s Peterborou­gh pre-schools, and for children who attended the free Family Action HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) programme.

Family Action is committed to supporting individual­s and families through times of change, challenge, and crisis, and this summer in Peterborou­gh the charity ran events including days out as part of its summer ‘Make Happy Memories’ campaign and rolled out the HAF programme for

children attending Woodfield

Park Community Centre in Welland, Peterborou­gh. The special days out and events for the children and families they work with were to ensure that during the school holidays local families could still come

together to access affordable

activities, laugh, and most of all to create lasting happy memories.

In Peterborou­gh, Family

Action operates five

preschools, including

Woodfield Park preschool,

and the charity runs 2 FOOD Clubs.

The families had a fantastic time at the event celebratin­g new friendship­s made and

to consolidat­e all the happy memories made over the summer.

The children helped to set up the event for their parents helping to prepare food such as potato salads, tuna and mayonnaise for the jacket potatoes, chopping cucumbers and making carrot cake, which they all enjoyed.

Family Action Service Manager, Sally Grieff, said: “Food brings people together

on many different levels and

this event was an opportunit­y for local families to come together and share memories made throughout the summer HAF programme, to celebrate new friendship­s and the children showcased their new culinary skills for all the families to enjoy.” Parent, Samantha, said: “It

was so nice to come and have the barbecue with my child and to see all the new friends he’s made and to meet other parents. There’s so much going on and it’s nice to see him having fun.”

Theo and Zoe-Ann both attended the Family Action

HAF programme. Theo said:

“I like it because I liked picking blackberri­es and helping with the cooking and I liked my mum coming to the barbecue and having her dinner with me.”

Zoe-Ann said: “I love the

food! I’ve tried so many new things!”

 ?? ?? Gemma from Family Action barbecue
Gemma from Family Action barbecue
 ?? ?? Family Action barbecue, Peterborou­gh
Family Action barbecue, Peterborou­gh
 ?? ?? Family Action barbecue
Family Action barbecue

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