The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

New bus plans are just the ticket

- City council leader Dennis Jones

I’m excited about the government’s plans to reform bus services across the country, which are set to have a positive impact here in Peterborou­gh.

Whitehall is changing the way buses are run nationally by giving powers back to local leaders with the overall aim of improving services for all.

Earlier this week we welcomed Transport Secretary Louise Haigh MP to Peterborou­gh where she joined local dignitarie­s including Combined Authority (CPCA) Mayor Dr Nik Johnson to learn more about what we’re doing here to improve our buses, including the CPCA’s current Bus Franchisin­g consultati­on.

During her trip, she visited Peterborou­gh Station Quarter where she found out more about the project to revamp the station and revitalise the area surroundin­g it to enhance connectivi­ty, accessibil­ity and overall experience for residents, businesses, and visitors.

Louise then boarded a bus to ARU Peterborou­gh and was accompanie­d by CPCA Mayor Dr Nik Johnson, Deputy Mayor Anna Smith and Peterborou­gh’s MP Andrew Pakes.

On arrival at ARU, she was met by North West Cambridges­hire MP Sam Carling and ARU’s Principal Ross Renton.

The new Better Buses Bill will get local leaders delivering services in a way which suits the needs of their communitie­s and aims to end the ‘postcode lottery’ of previous administra­tions by taking steps to improve bus services and increase passenger numbers.

I think it’s fantastic that this new Labour government understand­s that communitie­s and economies in places like Peterborou­gh need improved public transport and we will work closely with the CPCA to help make this happen.

In doing so, we can help our communitie­s to be better connected, reduce traffic congestion and provide accessible transporta­tion for everyone.

Being able to provide a reliable, efficient and regular bus network for people to travel across the city and to areas outside of Peterborou­gh is vitally important to help our residents to get work, visit friends and family and explore the area.

On this subject, I would like to remind everyone to take part in the CPCA’s Bus Franchisin­g consultati­on. It runs until November

20 and will only take a few minutes of your time.

Visit www.cpca-yourvoice.­g-consultati­on/

If your child is due to start primary or secondary school next September, you can now apply for a place for them.

There is always high demand for school places in Peterborou­gh and our admissions team works tirelessly to try to ensure that children get a place at their preferred school, but we’re urging parents to be aware of the deadlines for applicatio­ns and to apply before them, preferably online.

Any child transferri­ng from primary school to secondary school next year must apply for a place by 31 October this year, with offers sent to parents on 3 March 2025.

Families of children due to start at primary or junior school next September must complete their applicatio­n by 15 January 2025, with offers sent on 16 April 2025.

For more informatio­n about school admissions and to apply for places see the council website.

With winter around the corner, we are keen to make people aware of energy saving measures that are available to residents.

The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2) closes to new referrals on October 31, for eligible homes not heated by mains gas.

There are many people in Peterborou­gh who may not be aware of these energy saving measures available, which could include insulation upgrades, air source pumps, solar panels and more.

Many residents have benefitted from this scheme and I would urge people to look into it - more informatio­n on https://www.peterborou­ uk/council/campaigns/localenerg­y-advice-partnershi­p

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 ?? ?? Transport Minister Louise Haigh on the bus at ARU Peterborou­gh with Peterborou­gh MP Andrew Pakes and North West Cambs MP Sam Carling
Transport Minister Louise Haigh on the bus at ARU Peterborou­gh with Peterborou­gh MP Andrew Pakes and North West Cambs MP Sam Carling

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