The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Station Quarter: Historic hotel is key considerat­ion

- Paul Grinnell paul.grinnell@nationalwo­ @PTPaulGrin­nell

Peterborou­gh City Council chiefs have backed a call for the historic Great Northern Hotel to be part of the city’s Station Quarter regenerati­on.

Bosses say discussion­s are in progress to devise ways for the 172-year-old venue to play a role in the £65 million transforma­tion of the train station and the surroundin­g area.

The 41 bedroom hotel in Station Approach occupies a prominent position in the Station Quarter zone but concerns have been voiced that it is looking neglected following a prolonged period during which it was used as refuge for asylum seekers.

And Peterborou­gh MP Andrew Pakes has issued a challenge to the hotel owners to talk to councillor­s about the building’s role in the developmen­t or face the possible issuing of a compulsory purchase order for the council to secure the premises.

He said: “If the station is to be our gateway then we need the ambition for the Great Northern Hotel to be part of it.”

Council leader, Councillor Dennis Jones, said: "The Great Northern Hotel is an iconic part of Peterborou­gh and its future will be a key considerat­ion of the long-term masterplan as it evolves.

"How and when we can make that work is still being discussed.

He said: “Subject to Full Business Case approval, the central Government investment of £47.8 million will fund the first phase of the Peterborou­gh Station Quarter programme.

“It will be the first piece of the jigsaw that can be delivered within the Government’s funding requiremen­ts and will unlock opportunit­ies for a wider long-term masterplan.”

And Peterborou­gh residents will get another chance on Saturday (September 21) to voice their thoughts about the proposed transforma­tion plans for the city’s Station Quarter at the Cathedral Arch next to Starbucks from 1pm-3pm.

Details and drawings for the proposed overhaul of the train station and the surroundin­g area will be on show in the next public exhibition of the proposals.

The consultati­on ends on September 27.

After the public’s views have been collated and added to the full business case, the proposals will go to the Government for approval.

 ?? ?? This image show how the Great Northern Hotel might look.
This image show how the Great Northern Hotel might look.

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