The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Reunion to boost cadets

- Ben Jones ben.jones@nationalwo­ @PTBenJones

A host of former Sea Cadets in Peterborou­gh have come together for a special reunion to help give the organisati­on a bright future.

Organised by charity trustee, John Gulson, more than 50 former Sea Cadets gathered at the Customs House on the banks of the River Nene, in the city centre, to remember old times and renew old friendship­s.

All of the attendees were once members of the Sea Cadets, which is still very active in the city today, and with their entry fees, raffle tickets purchases and other donations, managed to raise more than £1500 for the current Sea Cadets.

The money will prove invaluable to the future of the organisati­on, which relies on the support of donations to fund its activities.

One of the driving forces behind the reunion was the desire to unburden the instructor­s from the responsibi­lity of also worrying about raising money to allow the Sea Cadets to continue.

The TS Gildenburg­h Peterborou­gh Unit of the Sea Cadets has a long history

in the city having begun recruiting its first members in the 1940s.

The Sea Cadets nationally were formed over 160 years ago and offers young people a wide variety of activities loosely based on the traditions of the Royal Navy.

These include canoeing, football competitio­ns, sailing, paddleboar­ding and sea trips where members get the chance to crew a sailing ship as well as visits to Navy vessels and training centres.

John, who was in the Sea Cadets himself around 40 years ago, before joining the Royal Navy, said: “The evening went really well and we had a strong turnout considerin­g how quickly the event

was thrown together.

"We had people travelling from across the country from places such as Cornwall and Shrewsbury and many others who would have loved to have made it.

"We raised a fantastic amount thanks to everyone.

"Events like these are so important as this is a charity and we are always in need of volunteers and more funds.

"It was such a great feeling to reconnect with some people who I had not seen for over 30 years.”

Former members of Peterborou­gh’s Sea Cadets can get in touch with other exmembers through the Peterborou­gh Sea Cadets Alumni Facebook group.

 ?? ?? Former cadets John Gulson, Becky Thompson, Jim Green and Julian Rudkin.
Former cadets John Gulson, Becky Thompson, Jim Green and Julian Rudkin.
 ?? ?? TS Guildenbur­g sea cadets and marine cadets at the Customs House.
TS Guildenbur­g sea cadets and marine cadets at the Customs House.

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