The Peterborough Evening Telegraph


- By Jane Longstaff

Residents and staff at

Cedars Care Home in Bourne decorated their home and garden to recreate the atmosphere of the carnival this August.

Staff, residents and visitors

have had a fantastic time experienci­ng all the

flavours of the carnival

from street food to cocktails

and live music, there has

been a real carnival vibe at the home.

Inviting friends and family to share the experience all the vibrancy and colour a carnival can bring – from

salsa with a steel band,

to a magic show and a performanc­e on the big screen from Cirque Du

Soleil, with a tropical punch

giving a real carnival vibe to the home.

From Venice to Notting

Hill, the carnival has been

celebrated in its many incarnatio­ns around the world. The residents of The Cedars have enjoyed

discoverin­g all the different

histories behind these great

community-led events, recreating their very own carnival while having

fun learning circus skills,

sizzling dance moves and balloon modelling.

The day captivated the

imaginatio­n, and to

see these arts revived and shared across the generation­s with friends and family created moments of real magic!

Rebecca Aldred, senior

general manager at the

home, said: “Our residents

love any excuse for a party so when we told them we were going to have a themed

carnival day, they couldn’t wait! Lots of our staff and

residents have taken part in a carnival over the years and the memories this day will evoke are so important – when I see such enormous

smiles on such happy faces,

I know it will be a day we

will long remember,” Joan Jolly, a resident at The Cedars, said: “I have been to

the Notting Hill Carnival a few times as I used to live in London - I really remember the noise and the colour.

It’s been such fun having our own carnival here, the

costumes were fantastic

and it made a wonderful, exciting atmosphere.” Our varied life enrichment

programme keeps residents

engaged and active, and

provides a daily choice

of physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored

to suit all residents’ interests and abilities. The Cedars Care Home is run

by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is

committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals.

The Cedars provides nursing care, residentia­l care and respite care.

 ?? ?? A Cedar’s resident in a mask.
A Cedar’s resident in a mask.
 ?? ?? Enjoying a dance.
Enjoying a dance.
 ?? ?? Enjoying the fun.
Enjoying the fun.

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