The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Lido should stay open for longer

- Cllr Heather Skibsted, Green group

Peterborou­gh Lido is due to close on September 27, with the heating turned off on September


This will unfortunat­ely put many swimmers off for the final three weeks.

Last year the Lido stayed open (and heated) until December because of the closure of the Regional Pool. It is still closed, so why penalise those who wish to continue to swim and maintain good health?

If keeping it open is not possible this year due to budget pressures, surely there is a way to utilise this fabulous facility more effectivel­y in future years while we are waiting for a new pool?

I am a regular user of the Lido, and have always been appreciati­ve of a facility most cities don’t have – open air swimming. The lido is for everyone. It has an amazing history and is the only pool we still have which is just about affordable for everyone. This means families, not just hardy swimmers. We are so lucky to have the Lido and should be treasuring the benefits that it brings to the city

With the closure of the Regional Pool last year, the only other option apart from two school pools (Stanground and Jack Hunt, which have limited opening times) is Premier Fitness at Hampton.

Premier Fitness is far too expensive for most people and not that easily accessible. So, we are looking at a situation where only the healthy and wealthy can afford to swim.

For the majority, the Lido is their only option. Surely we should be encouragin­g people to swim to help stem the pressure on the already stretched NHS? Indeed, the benefits of swimming and exercise have been recognised in the whole social prescribin­g agenda.

Clearly there is a cost involved with heating the Lido, and contrary to what some people at the council believe cold water swimming in completely unheated water is only popular with a tiny minority. Instead of reducing the temperatur­e and therefore limiting use, savings could be made by following what most other lidos are doing across the country and that is installing roll covers to keep the heat in overnight. There is an initial spend but it means savings on heating of up to 70%.

Many of the lidos which have covers now stay open much later in the year, or even for 365 days. Given that Peterborou­gh has no other viable option for public swimming at the moment, and is unlikely to have for some years, this would seem like a good investment and could extend the opening season. There are funding avenues to look at, for example, Swim England, Heritage and the National Lottery.

Friends of Peterborou­gh

Lido say the lifeguards and Vivacity staff have been amazing this year but speaking to swimmers there is obvious disappoint­ment that the Lido will be closing soon, particular­ly as last year’s extension to December proved so popular.

For a city the size of Peterborou­gh to have no municipal pool where residents can swim for a reasonable price is very poor.

Yes - we do need a new Olympic-size indoor pool but we already have a great outdoor pool, and so much more could be done to make it more accessible and attractive to swimmers all year round.

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 ?? ?? Peterborou­gh Lido should be kept open longer, says Green city councillor Heather Skibsted
Peterborou­gh Lido should be kept open longer, says Green city councillor Heather Skibsted

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