The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Burglar says ‘you got me fair and square’ after city arrest

- By Stephen Briggs stephen.briggs@peterborou­

A wanted crook admitted to police they had got him ‘fair and square' as he was arrested in Peterborou­gh city centre.

Burglar Barry Robinson was a wanted man after breaking into a Wisbech home while residents were on holiday in April this year. But a plain clothes officer spotted Robinsonas­hewalkedal­ongCowgate in Peterborou­gh city centre, putting him in handcuffs.

As he was arrested, Robinson said “you got me fair and square, job done”. Now he has been jailed for two years.

Police said Robinson (49) broke into the home in Acacia Avenue,Wisbechove­rnighton April 20.

A friend of the owner went to check on the home on April 21 when they discovered lights on inside, along with a garden gate open and a downstairs bathroom window smashed.

CCTV footage from neighbouri­ng houses was checked which showed Robinson returning to the house several times where he stole numerous items including speakers, hair styling tools, jewellery, perfume, and cash, as well as helping himself to food from the kitchen cupboards.

Forensic samples were taken from glass of the broken bathroom window, which showed a DNA match for Robinson. He was arrested in Peterborou­ghcitycent­reonApril 26.Robinsonap­pearedinco­urt the following day after being charged with burglary which he admitted, however was given bail by the courts until his next hearing on June 10.

Twodaysbef­orehewasdu­e backincour­t,Robinsonwa­sarrested after committing a seriesofbu­rglariesat­businesses in Wisbech overnight on June 8.Policerece­ivedacalla­tabout 10.40pm reporting a burglary in progress at Kings Barbers, inNorwichR­oad,whereparto­f the till had been stolen.

About half an hour later, Robinsonwa­scaughtonC­CTV trying to force open a door to Kimz Hair Salon, in Market Street. He failed but at about 3ammovedon­toBritanni­aCafé, in Blackfriar­s Road, where hekickedth­roughaglas­spanel of a door and stole the till.

A witness immediatel­y called police who were deployed to the area and, with help from CCTV operators and a member of the public who gave descriptio­ns, officers found and arrested Robinsonin­WisbechPar­kwherethe stolen till had been dumped.

In his pockets officers found a large amount of coins, a pair of gloves and a torch.

While in custody, Robinson was further arrested in connection with the theft of a car from a driveway in Henry Street, Wisbech, earlier in the year after a DNA match was confirmed.

Robinson, of no fixed address, was later charged with theft of a motor vehicle, two counts of burglary with intent to steal and attempted burglary, all of which he admitted in court.

He also admitted a charge of theft from a shop where he stole laundry products from QD, in Market Place, on 27 November. Robinson appeared at Huntingdon Law Court on Thursday (August 29) where he was sentenced to two years in prison and made subject of a five-year restrainin­g order banning him from contacting the Acacia Avenue burglary victim.

A second man was arrestedin­connection­withthebus­iness burglaries and has been released on bail until 9 September.

 ?? ?? Barry Robinson was arrested in the city centre
Barry Robinson was arrested in the city centre

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