The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Rowing initiative for blind people

- Ben Jones ben.jones@nationalwo­ @PTBenJones

Peterborou­gh City Rowing Club has launched a new initiative to encourage blind and partially sighted residents to give rowing a try.

Ahead of the start of the Paralympic­s which began on August 28, the club launched its Row the Rhythm campaign in partnershi­p with Love Rowing and local charity Camsight.

The programme has been designed to offer regular introducto­ry rowing sessions for blind or partially sighted people, which will be delivered by British Rowing qualified coaches and include transport to and from the club.

A representa­tive from the club said: “Rowing is a very accessible sport for people with a visual impairment. Unlike so many other sports, there is no part of rowing that requires you to see what you’re doing.

“It’s about listening to an internal rhythm, locking into that pace, matching seamlessly those in front and behind you, dropping the blade at the same spot at every stroke, developing an instinctiv­e ‘feel’ for the boat.

Kate Lindgren, who is blind, enquired about joining the club seven years ago and has fallen in love ever since as it provides her with a sense of freedom and independen­ce.

She said: “Being on the water was simply wonderful and for the first time in months I felt I had found something I could do. The sense of calm and freedom that rowing gives me is wonderful.

“I don’t feel visually impaired when I am rowing and I now also feel part of a great rowing community of friendly, supportive rowers. I am very grateful to Love Rowing for this amazing opportunit­y and would love to continue rowing for as long and as often as I can.”

The initial pilot was supported by funding from Sport England and based on its success and growing demand, Love Rowing, working with Peterborou­gh City Rowing Club, has sourced further funding from grants, trusts and foundation­s to extend the programme until October 2025.

The objective is now to maintain the Learn to Row introducto­ry sessions, and through a series of further developmen­t sessions to transition rowers to become integrated members of the club. Row the Rhythm sessions are on the last Friday of the month. Email Kate or Pete at pf.rowingcoac­h@btopenworl­

 ?? ?? Kate Lindgren
Kate Lindgren

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