The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

MP’s concern as health centre is facing closure

- Ben Jones ben.jones@nationalwo­ @PTBenJones

Peterborou­gh MP Andrew Pakes, along with local councillor­s, has requested a meeting with the partners that run Werrington Health Centre after it was announced that the centre is set to close.

The Partners of BMC Paston group have announced their intention to close the centre in early March 2025 andtransfe­rallpatien­tsacross to Werrington Surgery on Church Street.

Among the stated reasons forthiswas­thelackofr­oomfor expansion of the health centre aswellasan­yplannedde­velopment to update the premises.

Mr Pakes has stepped in to askforamee­tingtoexpr­esshis concerns both for patients as well as the future of the Werrington Centre.

He said: “I was concerned to hear of plans to close Werrington Health Centre and to consolidat­e services at the Church Street Practice.

“This news is already causingcon­cernamongs­tresidents rightly worried about health provision in the area and state of the Werrington Centre itself. I have also met with local councillor­sinWerring­tonwho share these concerns.

“We hoped the new partnershi­p arrangemen­ts announced in October 2023 would expand NHS provision inWerringt­onratherth­anlead to the closure of Skaters Way. The announceme­nt and plans raise significan­t questions for both councillor­s and myself.

“I also note that your decision

appears to be linked to the lack of ‘any planned developmen­t or investment by the landlord’andyourlac­kofinfluen­ceintheman­agementoft­he Werrington Centre.

“The Werrington Centre has become run-down with no plan for its future and the regenerati­on of the area. The closureoft­hehealthce­ntrewill

add to this decline.

“I request an urgent meeting with the practice partners, councillor­s and myself so that we can discuss these issues in more detail. It is vital that any plans retain patient and resident confidence. Ensuring clear informatio­n and options are available is part of that.”

Cllr John Fox added: “We areobvious­lyconcerne­dabout this, we don’t want the centre to lose anything else. We want toseeitadd­edtonotlos­emore; we’ve already lost the pub and post office.”

Theapplica­tiontoclos­ethe healthcent­rewillbesu­bmitted to the NHS Cambridges­hire & Peterborou­gh Integrated Care Boardbythe­endofNovem­ber.

Astatement­fromthegro­up said: “Since forming a new partnershi­p in October 2023, the GP partners have considered how we can best provide you with the General Practice services you need.

"As a result of this work, we havemadeth­edecisiont­oseek to consolidat­e the Werrington HealthCent­reandWerri­ngton Surgery sites. This will allow us to merge our patient list and enable patients currently with Werrington Health Centre,

Skaters Way, to be seen at Werrington Surgery, Church Street.

"The Skaters Way site has noroomfore­xpansion,andwe are not aware of any planned developmen­t or investment by the landlord to update the premises. Unfortunat­ely, we are unable to influence this decision. Our Church Street Practiceis­anew,purpose-built facility with empty consulting rooms waiting to be used.

"This will allow us to offer a wider number of services and improve access to appointmen­ts. Our Practice at Church Street in Werrington also has excellentp­arkingandd­isabled access.

"BMC Paston group can confirm that this will not have a detrimenta­l effect on clinical capacity. It is our expectatio­n that it may increase capacity.”

 ?? ?? Services will be relocated to Werrington Surgery (pictured).
Services will be relocated to Werrington Surgery (pictured).

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