The Peterborough Evening Telegraph




1 Esteems (8)

5 Intimation (7)

9 Safety assessment for a vehicle (5,4)

14 Topic (5)

16 Competence (10)

23 Tent-dweller (6)

24 Merchants (9)

25 Afternoon performanc­e (7)

26 Insect resin (3)

27 Arranged in twos (6,3)

28 Playthings (4)

29 Astronomy (10)

30 Army unit (7)

31 __ Redding, US singer (4)

32 Equine mammals (6)

33 Inactive (4)

34 Dusk (7)

37 Velocity (5)

38 Egyptian capital (5)

39 Shiny fabric (5)

40 Parts left over (10)

42 Floating platforms (5)

43 Rapturous (8)

48 Male deer (4)

49 Invades (7)

50 Housebreak­ing (8)

51 Alcoholic drink (3)

52 State of dejection (3,7)

53 Make loose (6)

58 From northern Britain (8)

61 Extinguish (3,3)

62 Symbols (7)

63 Remoteness (8) 65 Explains (10)

70 Inwardly (10)

72 Having attractive properties (8)

73 Thankless person (7)

74 Seaman (6)

75 Shangri-la (8)

82 Writing instrument (6)

83 Dentures (5,5)

85 Sound of a cow (3)

86 Person who used a machine (8)

87 Courageous­ly (7)

88 Fly (4)

94 Fixed allowances (8)

95 Quarrel (5)

96 1996 Demi Moore film (10)

97 Greek letter (5)

98 Month (5)

99 Enormous (5)

103 Impose (7)

105 Lightweigh­t fabric (4)

106 Belief in god (6)

108 Russian ruler (4)

109 Blinding vapour used to control

riots (4,3)

110 Astronauts’ uniforms (10)

113 Greyish-yellow (4)

114 English city (9)

115 Bath (3)

116 Feed (7)

118 Inhabitant­s of La Paz, e.g. (9)

119 Sleep-inducing drug (6)

120 Downplay (10)

121 Wat __, leader of the Peasants’

Revolt (5) 122 Native of the Occident (9)

123 Looking glasses (7)

124 Foot soldiers (8)


2 Precise location (5,4)

3 Heavy desk ornament (11)

4 Horse enclosure (6)

6 Naked (4)

7 Without vigour (8)

8 Venetian boatmen (10)

9 Make stronger (6)

10 Fitting (3)

11 Hindrance (8)

12 __ Project, Cornish botanical centre (4)

13 Discuss (4,4)

14 Nails (5)

15 Developed photograph­s (9)

17 __ Lincoln, UK actor (6)

18 Outdoors (8)

19 Classics teacher (5,6)

20 Don clothes to assess the style or

fit (3,2)

21 Chief (9)

22 Preying on others (9)

31 Pull rank (8)

35 Person keeping watch (7)

36 Forging block (5)

41 Adventure group for young people (6)

44 Provokes (7)

45 Cab (4)

46 Relating to a quadrennia­l sporting

contest (7)

47 Make amends (5)

54 Scottish island (4) 55 Signs (5)

56 Wading bird (7)

57 __ Headey, UK actress (4)

59 Accede (7)

60 Crusted-over wound (4)

64 Cot (4)

66 Greek epic (5)

67 Bunks (6)

68 Nominator (8)

69 Victorian-era conflict in South

Africa (4,3)

71 Means of getting away (6,5)

76 Jean __, UK-Dominican author of

Wide Sargasso Sea (4)

77 Utter poverty (11)

78 Exclude (9)

79 Circles (5)

80 Philatelis­t’s book (5,5)

81 Exceed budget (9)

84 Of voters (9)

89 Textual scholar or critic (9)

90 Supporter (8)

91 Medieval weapon (8)

92 Relieve of anxieties (8)

93 Offhand (8)

100 Bring out (6)

101 Engraver (6)

102 Repair the top of a building (6)

104 Pig meat in rashers (5)

107 Go into (5)

111 Insects (4)

112 Coffin platform (4)

117 __ McKellen, UK actor (3)

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