The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Marketing team celebrates success at prestigiou­s awards

- By Paul Grinnell paul.grinnell@nationalwo­ @PTPaulGrin­nell

Staff at Peterborou­gh College are celebratin­g a national triple awards success.

The marketing team at Inspire Education Group, which Peterborou­gh College is a part of, was presented with a gold and two silver awards at the prestigiou­s College Marketing Network’s FE First Awards 2024.

The team which is made up of Peterborou­gh College, University Centre Peterborou­gh and Stamford College, was praisedfor­itsworkacr­ossavariet­y of marketing campaigns. Itovercame­toughcompe­tition from marketing teams and individual­s in colleges and sixth formsfroma­crosstheco­untry.

The team was awarded a gold award in the Low Budget Campaign division, in recognitio­n of the School Liaison ‘Mythbuster’ programme. This is a dynamic board game that encourages students at local schools to explore their options and share their concerns about college life and post-GCSE study.

The same ‘Mythbuster’ campaign also helped the group secure a silver award in the innovation and creativity category.Asecondsil­veraward was presented in the internal impact category. This was in recognitio­nofaniniti­ativethat featuresan­Instagrama­ccount following the developmen­tal journey of the college’s trainee therapy dog, Eddi, and which seekstohel­pimprovest­affand student wellbeing.

A spokespers­on said: “Our success at the awards reflects the organisati­on’s commitment to innovation, wellbeing and support for the local youth in the post-16 education landscape.”Pictured:Themarketi­ng team, from left, Laura Saunders, Emmalee Higgins, Rosie Maclennan, Rachel Watchorn, Kate Knight, Laura Wells and Paulina Zacher,

 ?? ?? Inspire Education Group’s marketing team with the awards
Inspire Education Group’s marketing team with the awards

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