The Peterborough Evening Telegraph

Food firm to recruit record number of apprentice­s

- By Paul Grinnell paul.grinnell@nationalwo­ @PTPaulGrin­nell

A fresh food manufactur­er near Peterborou­gh has launched a recruitmen­t campaign to find a record number of apprentice­s.

Bakkavor Bourne, based in Spalding Road, where it creates a range of prepared fruit, stir fry, noodle, salad and dressed salad products for the leading supermarke­ts, is seeking 10 trainees to join its award-winning apprentice­ship programme. The roles cover a range of functions including engineerin­g, manufactur­ing, supply chain, food technology and finance and successful candidates will start in September this year.

It will be the largest number of apprentice­s taken on by the Bourne factory in a single year.

Jonathan Zair, general manager for operations at Bakkavor Salads Bourne, said: “The roles provide real responsibi­lity from day one, enabling apprentice­s to contribute to key business activities and projects, whilst also allowing for time to study towards a nationally recognised qualificat­ion. There is also the opportunit­y to develop valuable life skills through involvemen­t in local community and charity initiative­s and visiting schools as apprentice ambassador­s.

“As the UK’s leading provider of fresh prepared food, we aim to attract and develop the best talent in our sector and our apprentice­ship programme offers a broad range of opportunit­ies for people interested in starting a career in a fast-moving and dynamic business. Over the last decade many of our apprentice­s have gone on to have varied and successful careers within Bakkavor, as we offer not just job security and talent developmen­t but highly progressiv­e salary growth.”

 ?? ?? Apprentice­s at Bakkavor which is looking to recruit 10 new trainees for its factory at Bourne
Apprentice­s at Bakkavor which is looking to recruit 10 new trainees for its factory at Bourne

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