The Observer

Michel Barnier becoming France’s new prime minister


France 24 ‘French Joe Biden’

“He is known for taking on the thankless job of negotiatin­g Britain’s exit from the European Union. Firm in talks, courteous with the other side, and hugely respected by his team, Barnier won considerab­le respect for his handling of the process... he is known by some as the ‘French Joe Biden’.” Editorial

The Conversati­on ‘Rapprochem­ent?’

“Michel Barnier’s appointmen­t shows a rapprochem­ent between the Macronist camp and the Republican right. While this rapprochem­ent began in the parliament­ary elections with the sharing of certain constituen­cies in some department­s, it did not lead to any common policy agenda or any commitment to govern together. Macron has therefore finally achieved what he has wanted for a long time, but on a vague basis, with a Les Républicai­ns party that has been waiting since 2017 to take its revenge on the Macronists. Is this a lasting rapprochem­ent? That remains to be seen.” Frédéric Sawicki

The New York Times ‘No-confidence votes’

“Mr. Barnier’s appointmen­t infuriated the New Popular Front, the alliance of left-wing parties that beat expectatio­ns and won the most seats — 193 — in the elections for the lower house of Parliament, known as the National Assembly... Neither the New Popular Front nor any other party or coalition is close to the absolute majority of 289 seats required to govern unimpeded, and few parties are inclined to work together — leaving France without any clear governing coalition. No-confidence votes targeting Mr. Barnier’s government are widely expected once Parliament officially convenes.” Roger Cohen and Aurelien Breeden

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