The Non-League Football Paper


- By Mohamed Hamza To find volunteeri­ng opportunit­ies near you, see: pitchingin­

TAVISTOCK volunteer Peter Crockford credits volun- teering at his local football club for changing his life.

Crockford, 67, has undergone major heart surgery and also cares for wife Sally during her own period of ill health – yet still devotes himself to the Devon club whenever the opportunit­y arises.

A former worker in the prison service, Crockford began volunteeri­ng for the Lambs not long after retiring three years ago in a bid to remain physically active and he hasn’t looked back.

He said: “I got fully involved with Tavistock FC because I wanted something to do to keep me occupied more than at home. The groundsman, who I’m friendly with, said. ‘Could you give me a hand?’ and that’s how I started in Tavistock. I used to go in there alone every now and then as a supporter but then it just took off.

“I had two heart attacks, but you’ve just got to get up and go again. It knocked me down at the time but after that, I slowly got back into it and now I’m back in the saddle.

“My wife can’t walk very far, she had five operations on her back and she has breathing problems, but we just pedal on and keep going.”

Crockford has a range of responsibi­lities at the Southern League Division One South club both on and off matchdays, ready for whatever Tavistock may need of him.

“Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I’m in with a very good friend called Tony Dwelley,” he added.

“He’s a groundsman and we look after the pitch three days a week.

“We run barbecues on matchdays to make money for the club and do fundraisin­g as well. He’s a good, knowledgea­ble chap and we work together very well. “Tavistock’s a great football town, a very pretty town, the supporters are excellent, the rest of the supporters and the ground crew and the staff that we’ve got, we’re just one big happy family really.”

Crockford is one of countless volunteers who play pivotal roles at Non-League clubs across the country, with opportunit­ies to get involved now available through the Pitching In Volunteer Hub.

Through entering their postcode, individual­s can locate volunteeri­ng opportunit­ies at nearby clubs and discover more details about which roles are available.

For Crockford, volunteers are essential to the future of Non-League football and he can’t imagine a future without Tavistock in his life.

He admitted: “It just keeps me ticking over. Tavistock gets me out of the house for a few hours three or four times a week and I certainly enjoy it. You go in there and have a laugh and joke with the boys and other volunteers, it’s good.

“Come and give it a go. You’ll have a good laugh and a joke and take the mickey out of each other but, at the end of the day, local football needs local support.

“If you have more volunteers, you’ll make life a lot easier for football clubs.”

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 ?? PICTURE: Chris Chilcott/Chilly Pics ?? VOLUNTEERS: Peter Crockford, centre, and colleagues at Tavistock FC
PICTURE: Chris Chilcott/Chilly Pics VOLUNTEERS: Peter Crockford, centre, and colleagues at Tavistock FC

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