The Journal

Go-ahead is given for new restaurant


PLANS for a new ‘garden to fork’ restaurant by Northumber­land’s first Michelin-starred restaurant, Hjem, have been approved.

Chef Alex Nietosvuor­i, from Sweden, and his Northumber­land-born wife, Ally, plan to restore the walled garden of Close House, a Georgian mansion in the Tyne valley, in order to supply their new gastronomi­c venture. The latter will be built alongside the garden.

Plans for the restaurant were submitted to Northumber­land County Council earlier this year. The proposals have now been approved by planning bosses.

Named Freyja, after the Norse goddess of love, fertility and battle, the Scandi-designed restaurant promises to be a destinatio­n as much for its bold design as for Alex’s creative cooking.

Overlookin­g the walled garden, Freyja will ensure a unique gardento-fork experience. Alex and Ally opened Hjem, in the village of Wall, near Hexham, in 2019, quickly gaining a Michelin star 18 months later. Freyja will allow Alex to expand his philosophy of working with the best and freshest of locally grown produce from which to conjure striking flavours by using the very precise and bold techniques of New Scandinavi­an cooking.

Prior to opening Hjem, Alex gained invaluable experience while working in Michelin-starred restaurant­s in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Malmo.

With the help of business partner, Charlie Watkins, Alex and Ally intend to create a seasonally driven, highly creative yet relaxed dining experience that reflects the unique Northumbri­an countrysid­e.

The walled garden – to be run by the well-regarded team behind Hexham Organics – will supply much of the fruit and vegetables while meat, game, fish and dairy produce will primarily come from within 30 miles.

Hexham-based Elliott Architects have designed the restaurant to allow both the outside in, and to harmonise with its surrounds. It is planned to be low-level and low-key, though sophistica­ted, in design, with a strong use of natural materials including glass, copper, local sandstone and handmade brick.

A separate, one-storey building housing 12 sleek bedrooms and with a wildflower roof, will sit discreetly below the eyeline of the restaurant.

Screened by trees on the far side, the bedrooms mean diners can enjoy a relaxed evening and wake up to a rather special breakfast, too.

It’s anticipate­d that work will start on the restaurant in July 2024, with an opening date in late 2025.

 ?? ?? > An artist’s impression of how Freyja could look
> An artist’s impression of how Freyja could look

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