The Journal

Labour has reset the agenda in a few short weeks

- Liz Twist ■ Liz Twist is the Labour MP for Blaydon and Consett

WELL, how much can change in a few months? Nearly 100 days since my last Journal column and in that time, we have seen the election of hundreds of new councillor­s, a new North East Regional Mayor and a new Labour Government.

It’s been quite a time in British politics and the history books well and truly change chapters as Rishi Sunak’s announceme­nt of an early General Election spectacula­rly backfired for the Conservati­ves.

There is excitement surroundin­g Westminste­r as so many new and young members make their maiden speeches. It is the perfect demonstrat­ion of what has happened, the changing of the guard has renewed hope across the country as Labour are ready to deliver a period of national renewal.

Perhaps most importantl­y, for the first time in 14 years, my constituen­ts and the people of this country are hopeful of a different style of governance altogether, one that puts the country ahead of party politics and serves all people across Britain – a government of service.

It is clear from the start that this Labour Government is different. Appointmen­ts to key positions for experts in their field will allow for profession­al advice to take a centre ground in decision making.

Ministers like Patrick Vallance or James Timpson will provide this government with the expert advice needed to deliver for our services alongside the political change that people voted on for and which will deliver so much.

A New Deal for workers will provide employment rights from day one and empower workforces across the country.

Changes to housing regulation­s will stop no-fault evictions and enforce standards on safety concerns around things such a damp and mould for renters.

Legislatio­n has been laid to launch Great British Energy which will invest in our energy security and stop the reliance on a volatile market, making bills cheaper in the long term.

Our transport systems are set to be overhauled. Legislatio­n is in hand to bring our railways under public control, giving

rail and bus users a say once again on the systems they rely on.

Our Labour Government has also promised to be tough on crime, with a clear focus on tackling the rising cases of violence against women and girls, also tackling the issues that impact our shopworker­s head-on by bringing in specific offences to tackle shopliftin­g and abuse. We are serious about changing our NHS to work for people once more whilst investing in key services such as mental health and dentistry.

Across every department there is fresh hope and optimism that things can be better as we look to change the way our country is governed, putting people back at the centre. None of this will be easy. Years of cuts across the board have left our public services on life support, whilst the low growth our country became accustomed to under the Conservati­ves has meant that Labour has adopted one of the most uncertain economic background­s in history.

The Conservati­ves left a £22bn funding black hole, leaving it to Labour to reset our finances and get Britain back on track, and that is exactly what Rachel Reeves set out earlier this week. Whilst there will be difficult decisions ahead, we can look forward to a government that will tackle these issues with a renewed vitality.

This can already be seen through the work Wes Streeting has done to finally bring an end to the strikes held by junior doctors. Whilst the previous government put this issue on the back burner, Labour have resolved an issue that was affecting so many people.

In just 28 days Labour have managed to reset the agenda, bring key experts to the centre of government and provide a vibrant outlook in every government department that hope and opportunit­y can be a pivotal belief across our country once more.

Having been elected to a new constituen­cy of Blaydon and Consett, I am excited to play my role in delivering for my constituen­ts, the region and the country in a government that will put pride, trust and integrity back into our political system.

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