The Journal


(Serves 2)



2 skinless fish fillets (100-120g each), such as hake or coley, or MSC-certified haddock or cod; a little light plain wholemeal flour; oil or fat for cooking; 2 bay leaves; 2 garlic cloves, crushed; sea salt and black pepper

For the satay nut butter: 2tbsp crunchy peanut butter; ½ small garlic clove, crushed or very finely grated; finely grated zest and juice of 1 lime or ½ lemon; 1tbsp soy sauce To assemble: 2 large, soft wholemeal baps, split;4 lettuce leaves; 1 tomato, sliced; 2-3tbsp Kimchi slaw (optional)


1. First make the satay nut butter. Combine all the ingredient­s in a small bowl and mix well, seasoning with a few twists of pepper. If the nut butter seems too thick to spread, stir in a dash of water to loosen it.

2. Check the fish fillets for pin-bones, removing any you find with tweezers. Season the fish well on both sides with salt and pepper. Dust the fillets with a little flour.

3. Heat a little oil or fat in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add the bay leaves and fry until they start to colour (you are using them to flavour the oil and fish so it’s okay if they brown a bit).

4. Add the fish fillets to the pan, along with the garlic, and fry for 3-4 minutes, basting with the oil, until nearly cooked through. Carefully flip the fish fillets over and cook for a minute or so on the other side.

5. In the meantime, spread the bap bases with a generous spoonful of the satay nut butter. Lay two overlappin­g lettuce leaves on top, then a couple of tomato slices.

6. Using a thin spatula or fish slice, lift the hot fish fillets out of the pan straight onto the tomato slices. Top with a spoonful of kimchi slaw if you like.

7. Sandwich together with the bap tops and squeeze gently to bring the layers together. Eat straight away.

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