The Journal

I’ve eaten 50 types of veg in one week



IT’S become part of the national conscience to eat ‘five-a-day’ but recent research is now suggesting that a different approach is better – to eat 30 different plants a week.

“Five-a-day hasn’t transforme­d the health of the nation,” says TV chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingst­all. Even people who do eat five fruits and vegetables a day are “often eating the same ones over and over again”. But it’s become clear how important diversity of plants is in our diets.

Dr Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiolo­gy at King’s College London, has led the recommenda­tion, after conducting research for the American and British Gut Projects of 11,000 people’s eating habits. It showed those who ate 30 or more different plants per week had more diverse gut microbiome­s than those who ate 10 or less.

“It’s a fantastic way of nurturing the diversity of your gut biome, which we know more and more makes a fantastic contributi­on to our overall health, to our immunity to lowering our risks of heart disease, of diabetes of some cancers, and boosting our mental health,” the 59-yearold says.

And 30 might not be as challengin­g as it sounds – when you consider that pulses, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices, all count towards your total number.

“I’m sure I get over 50 fairly regularly when my best garden’s overflowin­g, and maybe I make a massive spicy curry that’s got 12 spices – you can’t help getting there sometimes!” says the chef, who rose to fame on Channel 4’s River Cottage – cooking at his Gloucester­shire house.

“But 30 is a number that’s really worth going for because it’s achievable.”

So how do you reach the heights of 30 plants a week in practice?


“Don’t just rush out and buy a whole lot that you’re not familiar with,” he warns. “The key reminder here is that it is not 30 fresh vegetables. So a lot of your plants are coming from the store cupboard – tinned pulses are completely fine.

“You’re not going to go and buy all the fruit and vegetables, you’re going to buy one or two more than you did last week, the next one or two more – little by little.”


“Remind yourself there’s a whole bunch of plant foods that actually you really like but for whatever reason, [out of ] sheer habit it’s totally fallen off your radar, or fallen off your shopping list,” he says.

For instance, “Buy butter beans [if you only] buy kidney beans. Just go shopping with a wider pair of eyes, casting around for things that are slightly different to what you’d be having normally.”


“I like fruit and nuts for breakfast,” says Hugh. “Or a little compote of fruit with yoghurt sprinkled over.” The fatty, fibrous nuts slow down any sugar spike from the fruit so they’re perfect together.

He recommends making your porridge multigrain – with barley or spelt flakes, along with quinoa, flaxseeds and chia seeds cooked into it.


“We’ve all got a bit better at recognisin­g that you can use the same techniques to make vegetables exciting that you use to make meat or fish exciting.

“You can burn vegetables on a BBQ and they become delicious, or roasted in the oven – and I don’t just mean parsnips, potatoes and the old carrot, I mean, brassicas, sprouts and fennel. And even little gem lettuces can be barbecued, cut them in half or quarters and you put them [face down] on the barbecue to get a char, and trickle them in olive oil.”

Some new recipes include Sichuan aubergine with tofu and black beans, purple panzanella (made with beetroot) and beef and squash tagine – and even a spotted dick packed with seeds and ground nuts.

He also recommends counting your plants at first, or every other week. “When I first started doing it, I was counting all the time,” he says, now though it’s become automatic, and simply part of his diet.

“It’s really about just resetting the way we’re doing things to embrace plants,” says Hugh, who went vegetarian for six months a decade or so ago.

“If you get them out of the picture for a while, you really learn to be much more appreciati­ve of the many, many delicious textures and flavours and aromas that you get from different plant foods.

“So even though I’m still an omnivore, getting meat and fish out of the way for those six months shifted my axis in terms of the way I cook. I’m much more thrifty around meat now.”

■ How to eat 30 Plants a Week by Hugh FearnleyWh­ittingstal­l, Bloomsbury, £25. Photos by Lizzie Mayson

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 ?? ?? DIVERSE MENU: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingst­all wants us to eat different veg
DIVERSE MENU: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingst­all wants us to eat different veg

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