The Journal


- David Fairlamb Don’t miss David’s tips every Saturday in your Journal

WHEN you exercise, whether it’s a leisurely walk or an intense workout, your mindset and approach to your routines can significan­tly impact your motivation levels.

Here are a few tips to help you adjust your workouts and maintain a positive attitude during your sessions:

■ Plan a short, intense workout that keeps your heart rate up and your intensity high. Limit it to 30 minutes after a warm-up, so you can continue with your day feeling energized.

■ If you’re feeling tired, choose a routine you enjoy to quickly reset your mindset to positive and boost your energy levels.

■ Increase your pace beyond your normal level and challenge yourself to go the extra mile. You’ll experience a great sense of achievemen­t, motivating you to improve further next time.

■ Listen to your favorite music on repeat to inspire you to push harder and enhance your performanc­e.

■ Combine a mixture of cardio and strength training sessions to break the monotony of a long workout. Mixing things up is key, and it all comes down to planning.

■ Use one session to focus specifical­ly on your technique, if you’re unsure, seek help. Ten strength exercises executed with perfect form will be safer and more effective than 30 done incorrectl­y. This will improve your performanc­e and target the muscles you aim to work on, serving as another motivator.

■ Finish the workout you set for yourself, skipping the last few seconds of an interval or the last few reps of a set means you’re only cheating yourself, and it could lead to a bad habits.

■ During aerobic workouts, think of something happy and positive to take your mind off the training. A strong mind will result in a positive body response.

■ If you’re struggling during a workout, think about a sporting event that inspired you. This can reignite your energy to complete your session.

Everyone has their own unique way of finding inspiratio­n or motivation. Discover what works for you, as this can be a powerful tool not only for exercise but for any aspect of life.

We all need a boost from time to time, and often it doesn’t take much to shift our mindset to a positive one.

Never underestim­ate the investment you make in yourself Motivation­al quote of the day

 ?? ?? > An inspiring favourite piece of music can help you get over the line
> An inspiring favourite piece of music can help you get over the line
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