The Journal

Talking heads

HANNAH BRITT gets expert advice on the best ways to keep your scalp healthy


WHEN was the last time you thought about your scalp?

There tends to be two camps. First, those who have had issues with their scalp – dandruff, irritation et al – and therefore prick up their ears at the mention of scalp care. Then those who have lived a blessed existence with no scalp problems whatsoever.

If you are one of the former, the good news is scalp care is booming. Indeed, videos for scalp care have been watched an incredible 2.6 billion times and counting on TikTok.

So what exactly is it?

Is scalp health important?

Your scalp is skin, and an extension of your face. You exfoliate, hydrate and care for your face… why stop at your hairline?

“Your scalp is a living tissue that supports your hair follicles and the hair that emerges from them,” says Anabel Kingsley, trichologi­st at Philip Kingsley. “When in good condition, strands are given a healthy base from which to grow.”

Is my scalp healthy?

A healthy scalp is easily forgotten, meaning there will be no itchiness, tightness or irritation. How does yours feel today?

“If your scalp is unhealthy, hair growth can be hindered. A flaky scalp can cause hair loss,” says Anabel.

“If your scalp is clean, roots will be bouncy and shiny. A build-up of oils can weigh down strands and make them appear dull and limp.”

Expert tips for a healthy scalp

Cleanse: Frequent shampooing will keep your scalp clean and healthy. You wouldn’t leave days between washing your face or underarms, so why would you do this to your scalp?

Tone & exfoliate: Like your face, your scalp can benefit from daily toning and weekly exfoliatio­n. This is especially true if you have a scalp condition, such as dandruff.

Just as you would use daily targeted products to address an issue with facial skin, you should use products with targeted active ingredient­s to treat your scalp when it gets unbalanced.

Hydrate: Moisturise­d skin is comfortabl­e skin, and the same goes for your scalp. So choose products – masks, shampoos, conditione­rs and leave-on treatments – that provide a moisture boost.

 ?? ?? FORGOTTEN: Many exclude their scalp when it comes to skincare
FORGOTTEN: Many exclude their scalp when it comes to skincare

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