The Journal

Battle to save school gathers momentum


A PETITION to prevent the potential closure of Gateshead’s “most vulnerable school” has amassed over 700 signatures.

The future of Colegate Community Primary School on the Leam Lane Estate has been called into question after the local authority launched a consultati­on last month.

The consultati­on, open to parents, staff, and trade unions, posed three options for the school going forward – including closure. However, a petition on Gateshead Council’s website, authored by Miss Catherine George, opposing the possible closure of the school has amassed 714 signatures.

The petition calls for more support for the school.

A statement attached to the petition reads: “Colegate is a school that everyone is proud of, there are many years of history stored in the memories of those that children now attend the school.”

It continues: “It’s a school where all are welcome. Closing this school, in my opinion, would have a dramatic effect on the children’s lives and surroundin­g business.

“The children that attend Colegate are cared for to the highest degree.”

The petition also said staff “pour their heart and soul into all they do”.

A Gateshead Council report revealed to councillor­s in February, highlighte­d several concerns about the school’s current state.

According to council documents, it has a “significan­t budget deficit”, a student body of only 125, and “significan­tly below average” educationa­l outcomes at the end of KS1.

In addition 30% of students have special educationa­l needs with above average proportion­s who have needs that require additional adult support. The report also states the school has made “staff savings” where available but there is limited capacity to cover unexpected costs such as illness.

The report also states the school suffers from a declining birth rate in the local area.

The ongoing consultati­on includes three options: Continuing to work to improve the school but including further staff reductions in the next academic year through more mixed-age classes to reduce the deficit; keeping the school open but moving it into one building and increasing the number of mixed-age classes, and; Closing Colegate with children are accommodat­ed in other local schools.

A Gateshead Council spokespers­on said: “We would like to reassure parents, carers, staff and the school community that a thorough consultati­on process is ongoing, with a number of options on the future of Colegate under review. All views shared as part of this process will be heard by the council before any decisions are made.”

 ?? ?? > Colegate Community Primary School
> Colegate Community Primary School

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