The Journal

Three firms win ORE accelerato­r programme spot

- COREENA FORD Business writer

THREE North East companies are among the latest cohort to win places on an awardwinni­ng technology accelerati­on programme led by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult.

In total, 10 firms have been picked for the Launch Academy programme, which provides the next steps for businesses set to take the offshore wind industry by storm with their tech solutions.

The nine-month academy programme, based in Newcastle, brings together businesses working on some of the most significan­t challenges within offshore wind.

Companies taking part include Blyth-based Pulcea, and Kavaken and RTDT, both of which are based in TusPark in Newcastle. Technology solutions which have been developed by the winning companies include floating offshore wind cable connection systems and an AI-based health monitoring system for wind turbine blades.

Pulcea, which is working with offshore wind operators to protect marine mammals and fish around wind farms, is developing a solution to mitigate against subsea noise created by offshore wind farm installati­on.

Ian Armstrong, managing director at Pulcea, said: “The Pulcea team are delighted that we were accepted on to the Launch Academy programme as this will significan­tly enhance our drive towards commercial­isation. The access it provides to the three offshore wind sponsors will prove to be a significan­t help in providing timely industry guidance at this critical stage of our developmen­t.”

Bora Tokyay, the co-founder and CEO of Kavaken, said: We’re really excited to be a part of the Launch Academy programme and are looking forward to working with the program sponsors RWE, ScottishPo­wer Renewables, BP, the experts at ORE Catapult and the fellow cohort members to transfer the experience we have on onshore wind to the offshore industry.

“This program will enable us to validate the use of our AI-powered software solution in the offshore wind industry to maximise the clean energy being generated from existing wind farms and enable the offshore wind industry to run better through operationa­l data and artificial intelligen­ce.”

The programme will deliver support through a series of modules delivered by ORE Catapult and expert partners. Modules include legal, marketing, export, accountanc­y, intellectu­al property (IP), investor readiness, technology assessment, and business case reviews, worth up to £60,000 per company. At the end of the programme, companies also have the chance to pitch to ORE Catapult’s network of private investors and industry.

Ravneet Kaur, senior technology accelerati­on manager at ORE Catapult, said: “We are delighted to have 10 exciting new companies starting a Launch Academy journey with us – aiming to de-risk and validate their technology and make a real impact on the offshore wind industry. It is also fantastic to have the support and sponsorshi­p of industry giants RWE, BP and ScottishPo­wer Renewables on the programme to link technology solutions to industry challenges and advise the businesses.

“Launch Academy provides a platform for businesses to develop their technology or services, access mentoring and expertise, secure funding, and collaborat­e with industry leaders. We aim to create a vibrant ecosystem that fosters innovation and accelerate­s the commercial­isation of cutting-edge technologi­es that benefit offshore renewable industry and the UK’s supply chain.”

Since 2020, 47 companies have progressed through the regional and national programmes; over £33m of investment and grant funding has been raised, and 48 patents have been filed.

 ?? ?? > The new cohort of companies taking part in the technology accelerati­on programme, from the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult
> The new cohort of companies taking part in the technology accelerati­on programme, from the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

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