The Journal

£60k for uni scholarshi­ps


NEWCASTLE University has received £60,000 which has helped to create 10 new scholarshi­p opportunit­ies.

The money has come from the Goyal Foundation, whose founder, Avnish Goyal CBE, is a former Newcastle University student, and he is now giving back to the institutio­n.

In the last academic year, a third of new students at Newcastle University were of a low socioecono­mic background, with the Goyal Foundation Scholarshi­ps ensuring that these students can enjoy the full university experience and reach their full potential.

They will provide financial support for the full three years of study.

The scholarshi­ps will also cover interview expenses and other finances, with applicatio­ns now open for first year students at Newcastle University to apply for the scholarshi­p.

The Goyal family hope that this support will bridge the gap between average living costs and the Government finance available, so students can focus on their degrees instead of working.

Speaking about the partnershi­p, Avnish Goyal said: “My own transforma­tive experience at Newcastle University, studying accounting and finance, highlighte­d the university’s role in shaping futures.

“We believe in giving back to institutio­ns that have played a significan­t role in our lives, hoping to enable the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators.

“Diversity of thought and experience enriches the educationa­l environmen­t, leading to more innovative solutions and a more empathetic society.

“We’ve seen first hand the barriers that financial constraint­s can place on potential, and through our foundation, we aim to dismantle these barriers, ensuring that talent and ambition are the only metrics for success.”

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