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WHETHER it’s been a while since you stepped foot in a gym or if you’re visiting for the first time, listening to your body is key – especially when it comes to preventing injuries.

This is true whatever your age, but is there anything specific to be aware of for certain age groups?

Check in with the pros

“If you are a member of a gym, speak to the personal trainers on site before starting a new regime; they will inevitably have some tips and exercises you could try,” says Penny Weston, fitness expert and director of Moddershal­l Oaks Country Spa Retreat.

“If you are planning to exercise at home, I would recommend speaking to your GP before starting anything new or arranging to chat with a private personal trainer.

There is also a lot of informatio­n online.”

Don’t skip the warm-up

Prepping your accordingl­y with a proper warm-up is also key – along with rest days. Using a foam roller or simple mobility movements to warm the muscles and joints is simple yet highly effective, says fitness and nutrition coach Rachael Sacerdoti, who advocates incorporat­ing rest days as well as engaging in active recovery such as walking, stretching, and yoga to gently increase blood flow and help rebuild the muscle.

Pack in the protein

“It’s vital for everybody of every age, highqualit­y protein is an essential part of a healthy diet helping to build and repair cells, bones, muscles, and joints,” says Rachael.

Here are some more tips from fitness experts on how to get the most out of your workout and avoid injuries at every age...

30s: It’s crucial to diversify your workouts with a mix of cardiovasc­ular exercises, body-weight movements, and flexibilit­y exercises.

“This variety helps prevent overuse injuries and promotes overall fitness. Ensure you prioritise a thorough warm-up, incorporat­ing dynamic stretches like leg swings and light cardio activities such as jogging or jumping jacks,” says Dr Sarah Davies, a consultant in musculoske­letal, sport and exercise medicine at The Lister Hospital, part of HCA Healthcare UK.

40s: It’s now essential to listen to our bodies and adapt our workouts accordingl­y. Women in particular can experience a lot of hormonal changes during this decade.

Rachael suggests using a mix of resistance and cardiovasc­ular training to maintain muscle mass and heart health. “Regular stretching exercises can also help increase flexibilit­y and reduce the risk of muscle strains. Paying attention to post-workout recovery, such as foam rolling or gentle stretching, can help prevent injuries,” she adds.


Focusing on flexibilit­y becomes even more essential, alongside maintainin­g good core strength to help with balance and injury

prevention. “Include static stretches for major muscle groups, engage in activities like yoga or Pilates, and consider incorporat­ing low-impact exercises to reduce stress on joints,” says Dr Davies.

60 plus: Now’s the time to remain active and mindful of our individual needs. Rachael suggests low-impact activities, such as water aerobics or walking, to maintain cardiovasc­ular health with minimal impact on joints.

Dr Davies adds: “Always allow sufficient time for rest and recovery. Regular health check-ups and assessment­s, including bone density tests, are crucial.”

 ?? ?? WORKING IT: Follow a few simple steps to avoid injury
WORKING IT: Follow a few simple steps to avoid injury
 ?? ?? muscles
Fitness expert Penny Weston
muscles Fitness expert Penny Weston

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