The Journal

Picture perfect gift for couple’s combined 75 years with NHS

- SAM VOLPE Health reporter

AFTER a combined 75 years working at Newcastle’s hospitals, a Tyneside husband and wife are retiring together with a very special gift.

Local photograph­er and former nurse Johannah Churchill took portraits of the pair – and Karen and Paul Hutton were presented with the framed final product as they prepared to leave the trust for the last time on December 21. Karen is a senior nursing sister who worked at the trust since 1981, while Paul has worked in pharmacy quality control since 1991.

The milestone comes in the year the NHS celebrates its 75th birthday, and Paul and Karen said the time was right for them to take a step back. Ahead of the presentati­on, they said: “We’ve both loved our careers in the NHS but have decided the time is now right to move into a different phase of our lives. The opportunit­y to have our profession­al portrait taken is exciting and we’re really looking forward to seeing the final result.

“We’ll miss so many of our Newcastle Hospitals colleagues but now is the time for us to spend more time with family, in particular our two gorgeous granddaugh­ters.”

Photograph­er Johannah was a nurse at the Freeman before picking up the camera profession­ally. She has seen work exhibited at places including the National Portrait Gallery.

Martin Wilson, chief operating officer at the hospital trust, said: “We’re delighted to do something special to celebrate the lifetime of service Karen and Paul have provided to the NHS. They’ve both been valued members of our team for many years and have worked diligently in a variety of roles, always here in Newcastle.

“We all wish them the very best for a well-earned retirement.”

 ?? ?? Karen and Paul Hutton with portraits shot by Johannah Churchill
Karen and Paul Hutton with portraits shot by Johannah Churchill

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