The Herald

‘Key milestones’ hailed in moves to upgrade Islay ferry service

- Craig Williams

A PROGRAMME of preparator­y work to upgrade two ferry terminals on the Islay route has reached “key milestones”, paving the way for delivery of new vessels by the end of the year.

Upgrades to the south berth of Kennacraig ferry terminal are now complete, while Port Askaig ferry terminal fendering work has also finished, following a six-week closure, allowing ferry services to resume.

The CMAL-LED project team of contractor­s George Leslie Ltd, Napier Bros Engineers and Malin Group, and engineerin­g consultant­s, Mott Macdonald, have installed vital infrastruc­ture upgrades at both Kennacraig and Port Askaig to accommodat­e the new Islay vessels – MV Isle of Islay and MV Loch Indaal.

Throughout the closure, Calmac operated amended timetables for the Kennacraig, - Port Ellen - Port Askaig and Oban - Colonsay - Port Askaig services to support travellers and communitie­s on Islay, Jura and Colonsay.

Preparator­y work began in

November 2023 at Kennacraig, which included modificati­on of the fixed ramp on the north berth. In January 2024, the south berth was closed to replace existing fenders, build new piled walls, undertake dredging and remove and refurbish the linkspan. During this time, all ferry services were operating from the north berth.

After being removed for refurbishm­ent, the linkspan has now been reinstated and is ready for ferry services to resume, with the project completed two weeks ahead of schedule. Services will now operate on the south berth, while works on the north berth, including wall constructi­on, fender replacemen­t, re-profiling of the fixed ramp and dredging works commence.

At Port Askaig, work began in March this year with the replacemen­t of the existing fenders, installati­on of piles and concrete foundation­s for a mooring aid, and additional electrical upgrades.

The fendering work was carried out between ferry arrivals and departures causing no disruption to services.

In June, a six-week full port closure was implemente­d to replace the fenders on the roundhead structure and after successful installati­on of these fenders, Port Askaig was reopened on July 31 as scheduled.

The ongoing mooring aid foundation and electrical works will continue without any disruption to services.

Ramsay Muirhead, director of port infrastruc­ture and planning at CMAL, said: “Meticulous planning ensured the safe lifting and transporta­tion of the linkspan from Kennacraig. Given the challenges involved, this is a significan­t milestone for the project, completed ahead of the schedule.

“With work continuing on the north berth at Kennacraig and on schedule for completion at Port Askaig and Colonsay this autumn, we’d like to thank everyone involved in the delivery of this project, especially the local communitie­s for their patience and co-operation as we strive to enhance port infrastruc­ture ahead of the arrival of the two new Islay vessels.”

Following his visit to Kennacraig to see the reopening of the south berth, Minister for Agricultur­e and Connectivi­ty, Jim Fairlie, said: “I’m very pleased to see this important work completed and both harbours ready for the arrival of the MV Islay of Islay and MV Loch Indaal.

“I used the ferry service on my way to the Islay show and to meet with local businesses on the island, and it was great to see the finished works at the south port at Kennacraig and meet the hard-working harbour staff in person.

“The completion of these port upgrades marks another important milestone in the Scottish Government’s commitment to delivering six new major vessels into service by 2026.

“Communitie­s and businesses on Islay and Jura will be looking forward to a more resilient and modern ferry service, as well as upgraded harbour facilities, with further vessels set to bring similar improvemen­ts to other parts of the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services network in the future.”

Tony Fry, constructi­on director at George Leslie, said: “We were delighted to welcome Jim Fairlie MSP to Kennacraig for a site visit. Despite the rain, the minister and Transport Scotland gained valuable insights into the scale of the project and the dedication of our team. Their visit was a welcome opportunit­y to showcase our progress and highlight the engineerin­g challenges we are overcoming to deliver.”

Communitie­s on Islay and Jura will be looking forward to a more resilient ferry service

 ?? ?? The newly refurbishe­d linkspan deck being lifted into place at Kennacraig ferry terminal
The newly refurbishe­d linkspan deck being lifted into place at Kennacraig ferry terminal
 ?? ?? Jim Fairlie MSP, second right, at the south berth’s reopening
Jim Fairlie MSP, second right, at the south berth’s reopening
 ?? ?? The linkspan is now is ready for ferry services to resume
The linkspan is now is ready for ferry services to resume

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