The Herald

Caledonian Sleeper staff vote to strike after rejecting ‘derisory’ pay deal


SCOTRAIL workers and staff on the Caledonian Sleeper have voted in favour of a walk-out in an ongoing dispute over pay, the RMT union has said.

Union members at the two publicly-owned rail operators were separately balloted for strike action following a pay offer that was described by the union as “derisory”.

The union said 85% of ballots returned at Scotrail backed strike action, on a 64% turnout.

Meanwhile, members at Caledonian Sleeper, which runs overnight services between various Scottish cities and London, voted 90% in favour of a walk-out, on a turnout of 66%.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “I congratula­te RMT members in Scotrail and

Caledonian Sleeper for this fantastic ballot result. Talks with both sets of employers will be convened in a bid to resolve this dispute.”

The union will be speaking to both employers in an attempt to come to a negotiated settlement.

Responding to the announceme­nt Phil Campbell, Scotrail customer operations director, said: “We recognise the hard work of our colleagues and the cost of living challenges faced by families across the country, and hope that we can come to an agreement on pay which reflects this, as well as providing value for money for the public finances.

“We’re disappoint­ed that RMT members have voted in favour of industrial action while negotiatio­ns on a pay offer are ongoing. We are keen to resolve this dispute and remain committed to continuing discussion­s with our trade union colleagues.”

Talks between Scotrail and unions, including RMT, took place yesterday and further talks are planned on August 15.

The Scottish Government has been contacted for comment.

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