The Herald

Average UK house price jumped by more than £2,200 last month, says data


THE average UK house price was more than £2,200 higher in July than it was in June, following three relatively flat months, according to an index.

Halifax said house prices increased by 0.8% month on month and by 2.3% annually.

Across the UK, the average house price in July was £291,268, up from £289,042 in June.

The Bank of England base rate was cut from 5.25% to 5% last week, in a move which property profession­als said could bring a boost to the autumn housing market.

Amanda Bryden, head of mortgages, Halifax, said: “In July, UK house prices increased by 0.8% on a monthly basis, following three relatively flat months.

“The average house price in the UK is £291,268, up over £2,200 compared to the previous month.

“Annual growth rose to 2.3%, the highest rate since the start of this year.

“Last week’s Bank of England base rate cut, which follows recent reductions in mortgage rates, is encouragin­g for those looking to remortgage, purchase a first home or move along the housing ladder.

“However, affordabil­ity constraint­s and the lack of available properties continue to pose challenges for prospectiv­e homeowners.

“Against the backdrop of lower mortgage rates and potential further base rate reductions, we anticipate house prices to continue a modest upward trend throughout the remainder of this year.”

Holly Tomlinson, a financial planner at Quilter, said “a feeling that rates are going in the right direction” will help people decide to take the leap back into the market.

She said: “Those on the fence about selling their home may also feel the time is now right.

“The autumn may therefore prove to be busier than anticipate­d.”

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