The Herald

Top UK banks could avoid bailout


THE UK’S biggest banks could stay open and would not need to be bailed out by the government should they collapse, the Bank of England has found in an assessment of their crisis planning.

Eight major banks and building societies were evaluated over their so-called resolvabil­ity, meaning their ability to safely manage a failure without major knock-on effects for the UK economy.

It forms part of a postfinanc­ial crisis focus on ensuring taxpayers do not foot the bill for bank failures.

The Bank of England found that all of the firms had made “significan­t progress” in improving their preparatio­ns for a crisis.

It means they could remain open and continue providing banking services, with “shareholde­rs and investors – not public funds – first in line to bear the costs of failure”, the report found.

During the global financial crisis about 15 years ago, Natwest, formerly the Royal Bank of Scotland, was bailed out by the government for billions of pounds.

The government also stepped in to take a significan­t stake in

Lloyds, which has since fully returned to public ownership.

The central bank said the banking sector is now in a much better place than during the 2007/08 financial crisis.

Nationwide Building Society, Natwest, and Santander UK were found to have no material issues – meaning there were no identifiab­le gaps in their plans to deal with a hypothetic­al failure.

HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds and Virgin Money UK were all found to need “further enhancemen­ts”, meaning they need to do more work on their contingenc­y planning.

None of the banks were found to have serious issues with their resolution plans, it was found.

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