The Herald

Scottish economy grew by 0.3% in May


SCOTLAND’S economy is estimated to have grown by 0.3% in May, official statistics have showed.

Scottish Government figures published yesterday showed that onshore GDP improved following a growth of 0.2% in April, which has been revised from zero.

In the three months to May 2024, GDP is estimated to have grown by 0.9% compared to the 0.5% in the first three months of the year, which have been revised down from the 0.7% first reported.

Growth was particular­ly evident in the retail, wholesale and motor trades which contribute­d 0.2 percentage points to overall growth.

However, the positive contributi­ons were partly offset by falling output in electricit­y and gas supply and manufactur­ing.

Overall, output in the services sector in

Scotland is estimated to have grown 0.6% in May, with growth in seven of the 17 subsectors.

The production sector contracted by 2.2% in May, while constructi­on output grew by 1.9%.

Scottish Secretary Ian Murray said economic growth will be a priority for the UK Government but warned “tough decisions” would be required to achieve it after Chancellor Rachel Reeves confirmed a £22 billion black hole in public spending.

Mr Murray said: “It’s the worst economic inheritanc­e of any incoming government since the Second World War and touch decisions will be required. That’s why the Chancellor is taking immediate action to achieve the economic stability vital for growth.

“The UK Government will rebuild and regrow. We are making work pay, ensuring the national minimum wage is a true living wage.

“And with the end of exploitati­ve zero-hour contracts, workers will have increased job security.”

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