The Herald

Boy, seven, is first UK kidney patient to undergo ‘pioneering’ robotic surgery


A Seven-year-old boy has become the first patient in the UK to undergo robotic surgery for a kidney condition.

Reece Wilton, from Gosport, Hampshire, underwent the “pioneering” operation involving the Versius Surgical Robotic System at Southampto­n Children’s Hospital (SCH), part of University Hospital Southampto­n (UHS).

The youngster was diagnosed with pelviurete­ric junction obstructio­n, a condition in which there is a blockage or obstructio­n of urine flow from the kidney into the ureter.

The condition affects between one in 1,000 and one in 1,500 children, and if left untreated can lead to loss of kidney function over time.

Consultant paediatric urologist Ewan Brownlee performed the robotic-assisted laparoscop­ic pyeloplast­y procedure, which involved repairing the narrowing at the junction of the kidney, pelvis and ureter.

Mr Brownlee said: “This has been three years in the making so it’s really exciting for the whole paediatric urology team, and paediatric urology in the UK, that the first operation has finally taken place.

“The evidence for use of robotics in surgery shows clear benefits for patients, from quicker healing time and smaller scars to, in some cases, better overall outcomes.

“I’m hoping that this is the start of seeing an increase in minimally invasive surgery for children all around the UK when this becomes more widely available.”

Reece’s mother, Elizabeth Wilton, said: “Reece was nervous about his operation before, but we showed him pictures and he was quite excited to know a robot was operating on him.

“We have complete faith in the team at Southampto­n Children’s Hospital and we are incredibly happy that Reece is benefiting from this pioneering trial.”

The robotic surgery system has a 720-degree range of motion which allows the surgical instrument­s to be small enough to perform complex operations on paediatric patients.

The robot, created by UK company CMR Surgical, uses a unique “wrist rotation” for easy manipulati­on of the tip of the instrument, which allows for the instrument­s to be smaller than otherwise commercial­ly available.

Stephen Griffin, consultant paediatric urologist at UHS, said: “Personally, I think this will be one of the most exciting developmen­ts within the field of paediatric urology over the next 10 years.”

 ?? ?? The UHS’S urology paediatric robotic surgical team
The UHS’S urology paediatric robotic surgical team

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