The Herald

Black stuff is bright spot for Diageo in ‘challengin­g’ year

- Victoria Masterson

GUINNESS sales were a bright spot for drinks group Diageo as it reported lower-than-expected annual sales and profits in a “challengin­g year.”

The company, which employs around 3,000 people in Scotland and produces brands including Smirnoff, Baileys, Johnnie

Walker and Talisker, said consumers were more cautious – but that it was confident of returning to growth.

For the year to June 30, Diageo posted a 4.8% fall in operating profits to $6 billion on group sales down 0.6% to $20.3bn.

Debra Crew, Diageo chief executive, described 2024 as a “challengin­g year for both our industry and Diageo.” She added: “With continued macroecono­mic and geopolitic­al volatility, we focused on taking the actions needed to ensure Diageo is wellpositi­oned for growth as the consumer environmen­t improves.”

Diageo said $302 million of its $304m fall in operating profits was attributab­le to Latin America and the Caribbean, where sales fell more than 21% as consumers turned to cheaper drinks and local spirits.

Sales in North America were also down 2.5% in a “cautious” consumer environmen­t.

But in Europe, strong sales of stout brand Guinness – including 5% net sales growth in Britain – helped to fuel 18% growth in beer sales and 12% sales growth overall for the region.

Ewan Andrew, Diageo’s president of global supply and procuremen­t, said: “We used to run a ‘Guinness is good for you’ campaign and we’ve seen in these results that Guinness has also been good for Diageo.”

The brand has seen double-digit growth globally for seven consecutiv­e years. “It’s a highqualit­y premium drink,” Mr Andrew added. “But it’s still actually very affordable.”

Higher interest rates and “sticky inflation” were contributi­ng to consumer caution, Mr Andrew added.

There was also uncertaint­y around “their future wallets with regards to so much political change in elections”.

Consumers are still buying premium products, “but maybe in their shopping basket, they’re buying a little less”, he noted.

Diageo has 30 single malt whisky distilleri­es across Scotland with Singleton a star performer among these. The brand, which is produced across three distilleri­es at Dufftown in Moray and Muir of Ord in the Black Isle, grew global sales 9% last year against a 9% fall in sales across Diageo’s Scotch malt whisky portfolio.

Talisker also continued to be the world’s number one peated malt for the third year in a row. Other highlights during the year included the reopening after 40 years of the Port Ellen Distillery on the island of Islay and the release of Brora Iris, a single bottle of 50-year-old malt from the Brora distillery in Sutherland that sold for £400,000 in a charity auction.

Diageo said it was winning or holding market share in markets generating 75% of its sales, including the United States. It was confident that sales growth would return and is focused on getting back to its medium-term target of 5% to 7% net sales growth from existing operations – though the company couldn’t say when this might be.

“We continue to believe demographi­c trends, rising incomes in the developing world, spirits gaining share from beer and wine, and the longstandi­ng trend of premiumisa­tion [consumers trading up to better quality products] will help to drive attractive underlying growth in our markets,” Diageo said.

Aarin Chiekrie, an equity analyst at Hargreaves

Lansdown, said: “While there remains some short-term uncertaint­y in the drinks market, Diageo’s cash flows remain extremely healthy, and the dividend has been bumped up by 5% to reward investors for their patience.”

Diageo said it had delivered record productivi­ty savings of nearly $700m and plans another $2bn savings over three years across cost of goods, marketing spend and overheads.

The company said it had also generated $2.6bn in free cash flow – cash after accounting for operationa­l and capital spending – while increasing strategic investment­s.

Diageo’s shares fell almost 10% in early trading before recovering to close down 5% at 2,421p.

 ?? Picture: Diageo ?? Guinness helped fuel an 18% rise in beer sales
Picture: Diageo Guinness helped fuel an 18% rise in beer sales

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