The Herald

How to help your child when they get their results

- These tips and more advice and informatio­n can be found at www. myworldofw­

WHETHER they got the results they hoped for or not, Skills Developmen­t Scotland has some advice on practical things parents and carers can do to support them.

Whatever their results, young people can still achieve great things. All they need is the right support and encouragem­ent.

Don’t rush any decisions

The most important thing is not to panic. Encourage your child to take time to process their emotions and think about what they want to do next. My World of Work website has advice and tools to help them think about their next steps. They can also speak to an adviser for impartial advice and talk about their options by calling the Results Helpline on 0808 100 8000.

Show them their options

Reassure your child that they still have many options open to them. There are likely lots of routes into the career they want. Have a think about college courses that lead to university, Foundation Apprentice­ships if they’re going into S5 or S6 or jobs such as Modern or Graduate Apprentice­ships. More informatio­n about apprentice­ship options can be found on apprentice­

Let them take control

Resist the temptation to take the lead. Instead, encourage and support your child to research their own options. If your child is feeling disappoint­ed and worried, it can be good for them to take action and feel they’re working towards a solution themselves.

Encourage them to call and speak to the university or college admissions teams. You could help them make a list of questions to ask during their call, so they feel more prepared. You could also ask if they want you to sit with them while they’re on the phone.

Discuss Clearing with them too, it’s a great way to find a place on college and university courses. You can learn more about Clearing on the UCAS site.

Encourage them to look into what’s available.

They may be tempted to go for the first thing they come across because it’s available and they have the grades. Encourage them to look at a variety of options and consider doing something they enjoy.

Look into appeals and resits Understand­ing what options your child has can help you support them as they make their decision.

You can find out more about the appeals process on the SQA website.

Resitting exams in S6 is always an option and having already been Left, Results Helpline advisers will be taking calls from Tuesday 6 August until Friday 9 August through the course, your child will have a very good idea of what’s required. Your child can also resit Highers at college if they’re ready to leave school.

Going to college is a fresh start as well as a useful introducti­on to more independen­t study.

Some universiti­es and competitiv­e subjects may prioritise students sitting their exams for the first time when offering places. Check with the university whether this will be an issue before your child decides on this option.

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