The Herald

A time to be patient


THE abandonmen­t of the Scottish National Party, after some 17 years of failure, came as no surprise. Its only “success” is that of complete incompeten­ce. It has proven itself as a political force incapable of running a country.

This time around, the SNP cannot cast blame on

Westminste­r. This was, essentiall­y, a Scottish election within the United Kingdom. The people have spoken, and have concluded that the SNP must be replaced.

However, although the SNP has failed again, fear of its endurance persists. The call by Douglas Chapman for grassroots reform, while not unexpected, is worrying (“Former SNP MP breaks ranks to call for leadership change”, The Herald, July 10). The replacemen­t of John Swinney, a representa­tive of the “old” SNP, by Kate Forbes, a slightly kinder and softer face, does not bring to an end the party’s focus on its raison d’etre: independen­ce. If the “new” SNP is to reflect genuine reform and change, then it should acknowledg­e that the pursuit of independen­ce, at almost any cost, was an old and failed cause that brought no substantia­l benefits to the Scottish people. The SNP must ask itself: after 17 years in power, is Scotland a stronger and more flourishin­g country today than it was when the party came to power under Alex Salmond?

If Scottish Labour succeeds over the next two years in bringing in much-needed reform and positive change that can be seen and felt, then the SNP’S prospects should be equally dire in 2026.

It is necessary that the Scottish electorate retain its grip on its anger. This is also the time to be patient, to give Scottish Labour the chance to begin those essential social and economic repairs that the previous government pushed aside. There is some hope that the next few years will shine a little brighter that they have of late. Albert Halliday,

Newton Mearns.

 ?? Picture: PA ?? Should the impending mothballin­g of Ineos’s Grangemout­h plant serve as a warning to Scotland?
Picture: PA Should the impending mothballin­g of Ineos’s Grangemout­h plant serve as a warning to Scotland?

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